The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 16

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 Red Rover put his hand on my shoulder, "just don't put too much stock in what they say." He walked away, and I followed. I didn't feel like arguing, but I sure felt like getting to the bottom of this mess.


     I learned after walking into town that It was the ass crack of dawn. It was only six o'clock in the morning and I was a little bit pissed at the fact. It was the first night I had slept well in a long time and I barely got five hours!

     "I have got to show you where to pick up the clip board in the mornings." Red Rover said from a few meters in front of me. He was a fast walker and I had always been slow - in life as well as death. It seemed all my bad habits had followed me into the after-life.

       "So I have to get up this early every morning?" I groaned, feeling my eyes becoming more and more heavy with each step I took. My legs felt like they were dragging behind me.

     Red Rover turned to me with a smiling, "don't go for late night walks and you should do just fine." He winked and I felt like punching him, but didn't have the energy to spare and let the thought escape my mind.

     "We're here!" He said, stopping in front of a small post office.

       "This is where you get your divine mail? At a run down post office?" I said, my mouth hanging open as we stepped inside. It was even worse then I thought; the tiles were cracked and mismatched, the windows were smashed with duct tap covering it and there were spider webs in the corners where the walls met the ceiling. "What the--"

       "Hey Mick!" The man behind the desk said. My eyes shot over to Red Rover, who gave me a look telling me that that was the name he used in the post office. The man was now standing up and throwing his tattered copy of 'Sports Magazine' down on the beaten desk before him. "How's it going, man?" He said, his hand outreached in front of him. As I got closer I noticed that he was attractive; in his late twenties with dark green eyes and white blonde hair that was cut an inch from his scalp. "Who's your friend?" He said, his hand shifting to meet mine along with his eyes flickering over my body. I felt slightly self conscious, but smiled anyways.

     "Her name's Sarah." Red Rover said, stepping in front of me protectively. "What mail I got today?"

     He smiled at me once more before turning around and finding a small PO box behind him. They looked more like lockers, but a lot smaller covering the wall from head to toe. The man wasn't short, but I wondered how he could reach the top ones. "Umm...something did come in..."his hand moved across the lockers, looking for the right one. Finally he grabbed a key from his pocket and opened the door, "here." He said, reading the front of the letter to make sure it was the right one. He handed them to me, touching my hand gently as I took them from him. I blushed.

     "Thanks." I said softy, my ears turning a hue of red. I felt like a complete idiot, but just stood there, smiling and trying to look as pretty as possible.

     "Ok, we got to go." Red Rover said, grabbing me by the shoulder. I tried to protest, but he gave me a lookk as to say, 'we are leaving, and you can't do anything to stop it.' I pouted for a moment, but then waved good-bye to the man, whom gave me a sideways grin to remember him by.

     "I'll be seeing you real soon." He said.

     Once me and Red Rover were outside, I started at him, "why can't I have some fun?!" I screamed, my arms crossed over my chest and my lips in a pout.

     He frowned, rolling his eyes, "I am just looking out for you." He said, staring at his feet.

     "Who asked you too!? I sure didn't!" My eyes were wide and my hands flew into the air, my back turned on him. I could hear him walking up to me from behind, but I refrained from turning around.

     "It's are dead and he's alive." Red Rover said, "you can't have a relationship." He was trying to sound calm and collected, but I could tell I had almost pushed him over the edge.

     I turned to him, our body's a meter apart, I smiled, showing him that I understood. "I guess," I said, pulling him into an embrace, "I'm sorry." I cried, tears streaming down my face. I didn't have a reason to cry and onlookers may think that I was being over dramatic, but so much had happened presently and I just couldn't take it anymore! Change was needed, and I knew it, but it was still hard to accept. I cried for a few minutes until finally I stopped. I had to accept what was happening and by allowing myself to cry, I was allowing myself to dwell on the past.

     Red Rover didn't say much after that, he was worried about me, I could see the worry eating at him, taking large enough bites to see blood. At the same time, I was worried about myself.

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