The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 19

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Red Rover threw a news paper at me, my eyes shot open. I hadn't slept well that night and I had just gotten to sleep when he barged in my door, screaming about something.

     "What's the matter?" I asked, sitting up on my damp bed, rubbing my eyes that had sleep in the corners of them.

     "What's the matter? What's the matter?!" He screamed, he was cleanly very angry. He started to pace the length of my room, his eyes only visible through slits. "You have messed up the order of things! Do you have any idea what that means?"

     Finally it hit me, "you mean, saving Vic?" I asked, squinting as sun streamed through the window.

     "Read the fucking paper!" He screamed, pointing at the ground where the paper had fell. I picked it up, looking at the front page and reading the headline. "Girl hit by car?" I said aloud. My eyes moved over the paper, picking up on certain words.

     "Vic, she was hit by a car on her way from the beach. You can't save them, how many times do I have to say it?" He yelled.

     I frowned, "OK, so she dyed anyway, just in a different way." I said, not seeing the problem, I had failed at saving her.

     "She didn't just die a different way!" He screamed, "her soul wasn't reaped because you were her Grim Reaper and you weren't there!"

     I looked at him, wide eyed, "are you saying...?" My voice trailed off; because of me, she was dead and walking the earth, alone and unable to pass on to a better place.

     "That's exactly what I'm saying, death isn't the end, it's the beginning of a new existence, a new life and you ended hers by not Reaping her!"

     I sat there on the bed, my eyes glazed over and my ears not picking up anything but my own mind, I had killed her, I had ended her life. This was my fault. My heart was thumping in my ears. I felt like crying, but the tears wouldn't leave my tear ducts. I was out of tears to shed, I hadn't cried this much in my entire life...even as a baby. I hadn't felt this horrible in all my life. "How do I...fix this?" I asked, by voice was distant in my ears.

     "That's just it, you can't." He said, still pacing back and forth.

     That knocked me back into the real world, every mistake I had made before could be fixed if I was willing to, "what do you mean?"

     "Her soul wasn't reaped, so she is now seeing her families suffering, she won't ever leave. Every day she stays on earth she will become more and more angry.."

     "And become a demon...and become one of those shadows."

     "Yes." He said, taking a deep breath and sitting beside me. The bed sank down as he sat, causing me to fall into him. "You have to understand something." He said, biting his lip. His blue eyes were hazed over with rage, but that was dissipating quickly, "my daughter." He said finally.

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