The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 3

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Once kylie was inside she started talking a million miles a minute, which was easy for her, but hard on our ears. I couldn't make out anything she said, it was like she was screaming at the top of her lungs when she spoke normally and when she was excited it was as if you had attenended a heavy metal concert for a week after.

        Finally Atom came out of his room, "what is going on!? You are going to wake the dead." He said, hands covering his ears with both hands. Kylie finally stopped her ramblings to take a deep breath, in that short span of time Atom ran over, forgetting about his leg and covered her mouth. I broke down laughing, but Kylie wasn't pleased about being forcefully shut up. Soon, however, she started laughing too. When she was calm enough to talk Atom uncovered her mouth and we went to his bedroom.

        "So what's so important?" I asked once we were seated.

        "Did you guys not listen to a thing I said?" She asked her eye brows scrunched up like a plastic bag.

        Atom looked at me, a grin spreading across his face, then looked back at Kylie, "we just need a re-cap," he said.

        She started talking, this time she was a little slower and quieter, but not by much, "I said Emma invited us to the biggest party of the year!"

        "Emma?" Atom asked, and I knew why he was so surprised; he had the biggest crush on that girl, but she was the most popular girl in school and being around her was like slowly pulling out each tooth and taking a swig of salt right after. She could make you feel bad about anything - she was a manipulative bitch. As you can see, I hated her, but I couldn't tell Atom that, he would jump over a cliff if it meant she would come to his funeral. He couldn't see how horrible she was, it was like she had a camaphloge that only other girls could see though, boys just thought she was sweet as "apple pie," they ate her up.

        "Yes, Emma." Kylie said, "she told me to tell you guys that all three of us were invited to her boat party tomorrow night!"

        "That's a little late for invites." I scoffed, "I think I have plans."

        Atom looked at me with puppy dog eyes, "please, Anna!" He said, "I really need your support! I don't want to go all alone."

        I looked at Kylie, rolling my eyes, "the biggest party of the year?" I asked under my breath.

        Kylie smiled, her huge mouth stretching from ear to ear, "that's what she said..." She looked at Atom with her big blue eyes, "are the three musketeers going?" She turned her head to me and Atom did likewise.

        I rolled my eyes, "what can it hurt." I shrugged, I didn't know it at the time, but one party can hurt a lot.

        Atom and Kylie hi-fived each other.

        It's amazing how one decision can put you on deaths radar, just like that my life started heading down Death Lane, and Death was on that road with me, watching me, waiting for my next decision, knowing that once Death has you on its list, there is no getting off of it. One decision, that's all it takes. One decision that leads to another that leads to another, and then - the spiral continues until you land face first in a grave personalized with your name.

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