The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 4

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        Math had been first period and walking into math late with Miss Miller as the teacher was worse than detention for a week! It was the way she looked at you when you walked in, her cold eyes seemed to reach into your soul and even after the day was over you would still feel violated. It wasn't that she called you out, or really did much of anything to you, but for some reason being late in her class meant feeling like crap about yourself for the rest of the day.

        I walked in my head down, my back hunched and took a seat at the back of the room. Putting my bag on the floor and taking out my books and placing them in front of me was like a comedy performance for the whole class - they were watching me and I hated being the center of attention. That was why most days I skipped if I was late. The thought of all those eyes on me - watching me was worse than anything a teacher could do.

        Class was underway again in a matter of minutes, but it felt more like hours to me.

        "Fractions are one of the units that teenagers hate most." Miss Miller said, her voice low. She sounded slightly like she had a cold. "But, likewise, they are one of the most important." She coughed.

        I herd some of the class laughing, but I couldn't put my figure on why. I looked around, but there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary - just a sea of desks, papers, pencils, and withdrawn faces - nothing out of the ordinary for Applied classes.

        Then I saw it, Miss Miller had a piece of paper stuck to her back that read, "Kick me." I didn't laugh but a small smile crept its way across my face. I loved it when teachers were humiliated, especially ones that could make you feel so insecure.

        Miss Miller didn't notice and just kept teaching but then she stopped, eyes wide as marbles - the laughing turned to screams and I looked around wildly trying to see what was having such a huge effect on the class. This time the problem was easy to spot; the horror sunk in quickly - we were all going to die!

   The air was filled with thick smog in a matter of minutes - at first it was just a tiny bit coming from under the hall door, but that soon 'little bit of smoke' soon grew like a monster to consume the entire room. We barely had time to react and by the time we did we couldn't see anything anymore. It was getting harder to breath by the minute. I could barely hear Miss Miller as she called out for us to be calm, but since no one could see her, no one listened. We all were acting like animals!

        The classroom only had two windows and both of those were tiny - just big enough to fit one person at a time and somehow I knew that "single file" was not going to work in this situation. There was only one door and that lead to the hallway which is where the smoke originated from. Some of the boys tried the hall door but the handle was too hot and they just ended up burning their hand.

        Soon I couldn't see anything at all, I could hear screams but they seemed to fade into the distance. I had to do something to get out, but there was no way out! The window seemed like my only hope, so I walked blindly through the smog. I came to the table and hopped up on top of it, but I couldn't see the window so I felt around for it - nothing.

        I was feeling lightheaded and the last thing I wanted to do was pass out. My heart was racing so fast that I thought it was going to take off like a rocket zooming out of my chest, taking flight. I was going to die! I was going to die and I didn't even get a chance to live! I cursed the world, but then I thought - I wasn't dead yet - maybe just maybe I could get out alive if I kept my head and didn't panic. Slowly I made my way to the hall door - I knew the flames would be high and I would probably get burnt, but it was better than dying.

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