The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 6

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I caught up with Atom and Kylie quickly and we boarded the ship together. As I stood about to board the huge ship I thought, this ship must be as big as the Titanic! It was huge! Emma must be richer than I had previously thought.

     The ramp was down on the boat so people could walk on and there was a few kids from the school greeting people and directing them onto the deck.

     Most people, I noticed then, weren't really dressed up as much as we were. They were dressed in there everyday clothes with what looked to be beach bags with towels sticking out of them.

     "Isn't this a dress up thing?" I asked Kylie in a panic.

     "I-I thought so." She said, her head bobbing around like a bobble head. "That's what Emma told me."

     "Well, we're here now." I said taking a step further onto the boat.

     I could see John Scott sitting on a bench in the lobby, he was a mentally challenged boy at our school that had really taken a liking to me when I volunteered to help the teachers handle him in my junior year.

     He hadn't been born like this, up until he was ten he was a normal child, but then while walking home one night from a friends house he was hit with a car. He was in a comma for a good month and the doctors thought he would never wake up. He was lucky to be alive.

      When he saw me a wide goofy smile crossed his lips, he had to be the nicest person at our school.

     "Anna! Anna's here!" He said clapping his hands wildly at me and jumping up and down. He bounced over to me saying, "I'm a bunny!" As he did so.

     I smiled and laughed, "you having a good night?" I asked, making sure no one was giving him a hard time.

     "Yeah!" He said, "people said I'm good at swimming!" He said making splashing movements with his hands, "splash!" He said.

     "That's awesome!" I replied and John jumped up and down a few more times and then hopped away.

     I laughed and turned back to Atom and Kylie who looked at me with a tight pinned smile, "he sure does like you."

     Pushing Kylie playfully I ran up onto the deck. It was just as beautiful as I would have thought, it was fully lighted with chinseas lanterns to add a strange glow to the air and there were lots of teens passing around balloons and beach balls. I could hear people splashing around in the pool, I really wished I had brought my swim suit. The deck was littered with beer cans and hard liquor.

     "Let's get this party started!" A DJ said from across the deck.

     The smell of the pool was making my lungs feel like paper bags inflating and deflating. I had always had sensitive lungs; my mother had even taken me to the doctor due to this. He diagnosed me with very mild asthma and said, most likely, I would outgrow it like an old pair of shoes. I never went back, my mother didn't see the point in spending money on checkups; so I don't know if I still have it.

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