The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 25

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       I looked at my watch, it was 11:39, Benny was standing beside me in an old MacDonald's that smelled of rotten hamburgers. I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking at Benny who was chuckling beside me, "yummy, I'm loving it."

       "Don't worry, we only have to be here a few more minutes." I said passively and he smiled in response, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me into him. I returned his expression on my own face.

     Benny's face turned serious suddenly, as if he had suddenly remembered something important, "I saw the death last night. It's the killer." He said, "we need to keep an eye out." He seemed distant, sad suddenly and I wondered if his dream had some how caused this. It must be a horrible thing, I realized, to watch the death before it takes place and have no way to stop it. I knew how that felt, I was feeling the same distant, hostile, attitude coming on, but I pushed it away - finding my killer, saving people that could be saved - that was what was important.

     I nodded in response, but then my heart jumped into my throat, "mom?" I murmured, looking at the women I knew so well that walked through the red MacDonald's double doors.

     "What?" Benny asked, looking around, his eyes coming to rest on the lady walking increasingly fast towards us.

       "That's my mother." I said, pointing at her, my voice almost a whisper, but it came out slightly higher than I had planed.

           "Take a breath." July said putting a hand on my shoulder, "you look different then you did in life." She smiled, as if she was teaching me a lesson. I rolled my eyes, this I knew, but since my death had seen her - my new appearance wouldn't help me.

     I lifted my eye brows as my mother walked toward us, I tried to hide my face without making it obvious, but it was impossible, she had already spotted me and was walking over with an angry expression plastered on her face. This couldn't be good.

        She stopped a foot in front of me, her hands on her hips, "Sarah Times?" She asked.

        I took a deep breath, my mind frozen, I couldn't think, "Yeah, that's my name." I said as non-cholontly as I could muster. "What's up?" I smiled and July gave me a small smirk before taking Benny's arm and guiding him away from the soon-to-be-argument. I looked at them with puppy eyes, pleading for help but knew that there was nothing that could be done. I shouldn't have visited my mother, if I hadn't I wouldn't be in this predicament.

        My mother sighed, grabbing my hand and turning my palm right side up, I tried to pull it away but her fist tightened around it. She had a serious expression as her fingers traced the lines on my hand, or rather, the non existent lines.

     It was strange that I had never noticed it before, but I had no lines on my hand and suddenly it made sense. I was dead, so I had no future and the realization hurt more than it should have. I knew I didn't have a future, no normal life ahead of me with Benny, no normal life with anyone. "You're a grim reaper, aren't you? Are you the one that took my daughter?"

        My face fell, my eyes widened, I felt like passing out; my mother knew about Grim Reapers. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I stood there, my hand sticking out in front of me as she dropped it. It hovered in the air for a good minute before I retracted it, "how do you know?" I asked, finally finding my voice.

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