The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 11

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     Red Rover stood up from his spot beside me and looked down on me, "I know you are scared." He said, his hand on my shoulder, "but there are ways to get around this. Just pretend you don't see them, and they will not see you, it's as simple, or as hard, as that." He gave me a crooked smile, "and stay away from dark places." He warned, clapping his hands and he disappeared, but his voice remained in the room with me, "get some rest, we have a busy day tomorrow."

     "Nice of you to say 'bye.'" I signed, picking my body off the sofa and walking to the bed that sat on the decaying floor across from me. It was a small apartment, paint peeling from the walls, but the smell was starting to grow on me and it wasn't as dank as I remembered it to be.

      It was mostly open concept; the sofa and old TV across from the bed and the kitchen parallel to the bathroom, which I doubted I would use seeing as the dead don't use the rest room. My body flopped onto the sheets, which smelled just as great as the rest of the place, but about a hundred times stronger. "Oh brother!" I said, rolling over on the sheets and looking up at the ceiling. "Home sweet home."

     There was only one pillow, and it was about as compostable as a rock, so I rolled up one of the blankets and put the bundle under my head. My eyes closed, but I remained conscious. Maybe Red Rover was wrong, maybe Grim Reapers didn't need sleep. Even if we did, it didn't matter, sleep still wouldn't come. I laid there, not moving, and trying not to remember the days events, but that was next to impossible. After a good hour or two of this, I decided it was best to get up and watch some TV to get my mind off things. The last thing I wanted was to be half asleep while collecting souls. My eyes opened, my stomach muscles clenched to bring me to a seating position, but my body didn't seem to be listening. "Get up." I told myself, but I seemed to be paralyzed! Clenching my neck I tried to move my head, but I couldn't even do that. My mind rushed - what if the Walkers got in my room?

     All of a sudden I was flying through the ceiling, through the roof and up into the sky above the buildings. "Help!" I screamed, but the words didn't sound through my throat. It was as if my vocal cords had been severed, "Red Rover!" I mouthed, but no one came. My body felt light as a feather, as if I had sprouted wings and was flying. "Help!" I cued, one last time, "mommy!" I screamed out of default, my mind reverting back to that of a child.

       Suddenly I was sitting in a very familiar kitchen, my kitchen, or at least what used to be. My mother was there, sitting at the table, her eyes watering salty tears that hit the table with a 'thump' in a rhythmic rhythm, like that of a heart. My brother had his hand over my mothers back, whispering things I couldn't hear from where I stood at the door.

     "Mommy!" I called, running towards her, my hands outstretched. I couldn't remember the last time I had called her anything other then "mom" or "mother," but the words sounded so right sliding off my tong. She didn't look up to me, nor did my brother who just sat there, still stroking my mothers back.

     "She's gone!" My mother cried, her hands cupping her eyes. I kneeled down beside her, taking a lesion from my brother and started to stroke her.

     "I'm here." I said, an invisible tear falling from my cheek.

     "She's in a better place now, with the angels." My brother cued, looking up at the ceiling.

     I rolled my eyes, "Try a shit hole apartment with Grim Reapers." I said, a small chuckle passing my lips, but it seemed so out of place, even if no one but me could hear it.

     "I wonder how Katie and Atom are doing?" I thought out loud, and suddenly I was being sucked back up into the ceiling and over the roofs to Atoms house. Katie's red car was in the drive way, so I knew she must have been sleeping over.

     Atom was sitting on his bed, Katie was right beside him, "I can't believe this, I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up." Atom said, "I fought with her before she died, I bet she hates me." Atom put his head between his legs.

     Katie grabbed his shoulders, pulling him into an embrace, "Listen." She said, her voice came out loud and abrupt, but in a good way, "she could never hate you, she loved you." Katie paused, looking away a tear falling from her cheek and onto the soft bed sheets, "I love you." She didn't make eye contact.

     Atom looked at her, his purples had grown in size. He grabbed her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss, which lasted for a good three minutes before I started to gag and laugh. "My corpse isn't even cold yet and you two are going to date?" I asked, smirking. I was happy for them, although I had never thought in a million years that Katie even liked Atom, or loved him for that matter. As the windows started to steam up and they fell onto the bed, I started to feel like a total stalker, so I turned away, walking into Atoms kitchen. The pizza still was on the stove, right where I had left it. I wondered if Atom had kept the pizza there for that very reason. "Take me out of here, bring me home!" I called out into the universe as I heard some animal noises streaming from Atoms bed room, and Katie's abnormally loud lips.

     I was relived as I was pulled from the house, but not to my home. I was taken to the mortuary, my body was still there, I could feel it. "When the hell are they going to bury me!?" I yelled out into the open, "are they waiting for maggots to find a home?" Great, now I was talking to myself. Walking through the freezer I saw my body. It was the only one in the morgue at the time, and I was happy about this, I didn't need any other ghosts walking around scaring me. My skin had turned slightly blue, and I hopped that the makeup artists would be able to fix it before my wake, and if they couldn't I hoped that I would have a closed casket. I wanted people to remember me as I was, alive with blood pumping through my veins instead of imbuming fluids.

     My hand rested on top of my body's. I smiled, "goodbye old friend." I said, all of a sudden back in my bed. Had I really slept?

    "Waky waky, we are on the job!" Red Said, throwing me a pair of pants and a shirt, "they should fit." He said, a huge smile on his face. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

     "I had the weirdest dream." I said.


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