The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 7

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 The darkness filled my vision for a moments time, then I opened my eyes. My head hurt slightly, but other than that I felt fine. Even my hang-over was gone and I finally felt fully sober again. Maybe that hit on the head did me some good? Peoples faces in the audience had changed from laughing grins to worried frowns leading me to question how long I had been out. I sat up still feeling stunned from the recent turn of events, but more awake - much more awake. Atom came over to me, leaning over me, "oh my god!" He said, his tone of voice frightened me, "call an ambulance!"

     "I'm fine." I said rubbing my head, "just a little dizzy - nothing a coffee wont cure."

     Kylie pushed her way through the horrified teens to my aid, "she okay?" She asked Atom in her abnormally loud voice.

     Atom looked at her worriedly, "she's been out for a while!" He said not looking at me, "I'm scared."

     "I'm right here!" I said standing up and waving my arms wildly while walking over to Atom, "don't worry!" I chuckled, "I just passed out - probably drank a little too much. I've been feeling tipsy all night!"

     Atom didn't respond to me, he was staring at the crowd that had formed around me, "did someone call an ambulance?!" He called out and Emma ran through the crowd with a phone in her hand.

     She handed the phone to him, "I called - they said they would be here in five minutes." She said her eyes pointed downward.

     Atom looked at her in a way I had never seen - he looked at her as if she was a human - he looked at her for what she was. He had always seen her with blinders on, but I could tell that had changed. I felt proud. "This is your fault." He scoffed and I could tell that he would have pushed her or worse if she hadn't been a girl.

     "Hey, Atom...calm yourself." I said walking to his side, "I'm fine. She's a bitch, but I'm fine."

     Atom took a step closer to her, "if she dies, you are dead to me." He said breathing in her face. Her face changed from worried to scared in a matter of seconds.

     "No ones dying!" I screamed feeling horrified. Who was dying? Was there something wrong with me that I didn't see? I looked myself up and down, but I felt fine -looked fine.

     I herd Kylie scream and I turned around wildly in response, "what's wrong?" I asked, but as the words escaped my lips I saw - I wished I hadn't, but I saw and what is seen can't be unseen. Kind of like once something is dead, there is no bringing it back to life. Me - I saw me. I laid there my eyes half open, the white part only visible with foam streaming from the corner of my blue-hued lips. It was like seeing myself in a mirror, but a warped mirror at one of those old fashioned fun houses my mother used to bring me to as a child.

     "She's not breathing!" Kylie screamed tears trailing down her cheeks, "she's not breathing, Atom! She's not breathing!"

     It was like I had switched bodies with someone else in the audience - it was like I was seeing myself from someone's else's point of view, but I wasn't. I was me, seeing me. What was this? What was going on? Questions upon questions flooded my over zeitgeist brain. My mind was moving a billion miles a minute, but yet my brain couldn't keep up with all the thoughts. I was paralyzed - frozen. My feet were rooted to the ground where I stood, I had become a tree - an old oak tree who had seen all that there was to see.

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