Purple flames

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In the cerulean district
Days are passing and the day of the big fight is coming faster than expected. Chris still hasn't told Ricky what he was to do during the big war, leading to the both of them ignoring each other completely.

One night, Chris went in bed naked and slipped next to Ricky who was resting on his side and tried to remove Ricky's shorts.
"Come on! It's been a week since we've had sex!"
"Well too bad!"
"Come on.. my little hatefuck." Chris slid his fingers on Ricky's side then slid them down and took his shorts off without making him realize.
"Chris. I'm serio- AH!" Ricky snatched the sheets and whimpered. Chris thrusted in him without stopping. Ricky's mind went somewhere else.
"Chris...chris.." he moaned. But then he came back.
"Chris. Stop." He panted as Chris didn't stop. His breathing grew heavy. "Chris stop. Stop!"
"Babe I'm close!" He also breathed heavily and held on tighter to Ricky's waist.
"I don't care! I want out!" He pushed him from his thighs. Chris grunted loudly showing his annoyance then turned the other way to sleep.

Ricky continued to practice and managed to get stronger, but not enough to convince Chris to let him participate. Apart from those two, everyone else seemed to be in a strong, valiant mood. Everyone was ecstatic about the great battle because this was going to be it. It was either going to be the end or the beginning. Josh and Ryan-Ashley were both managing a lot of the businesses, may it be with people or with the weapons. Chris and Angelo were busy setting up the organized platform, where everyone was supposed to be. Ricky tried to enter the room and listen in on what was happening but he was told out.
"Ricky, you shouldn't be here." Chris said without raising his eyes from his work.
"I have every right to be here."
"No you don't. This is something that Angelo and I need to figure out."
"I can help."
"No you can't! Just get out!" He burst out. Ricky gave him a dirty look and walked out the room. Then with a few minutes of thinking and huffing he walked out the mansion. His anger boiled inside him, making him rush to the woods. He sat on a rock and let anger and sadness sulk out. Then he saw something. A group of floating purple flames like apparitions appeared in front of him like a path. He looked back towards the district, thinking it would be a good idea to just go back and practice. Then he remembered Chris and grew angry. He looked back at the apparitions and followed them. They were also producing sounds as they appeared and disappeared. He continued till he reached a cave. He hesitated until he realized that this was where he was supposed to reach. He gingerly walked into the dark cave. When he was inside, the purple flames urged him to go deeper inside. The only source of light now was the purple lights. Then the purple flames began to scatter all around him, like the trail kept changing its path. They disappeared and reappeared like a crazy fire work show and that panicked him. Fear filled him and that's when he decided to turn back. When he did, he met huge, aggressive eyes looking at him and fire running out below them. He gasped and froze in his place. 'What is that thing.' When he gained some strength he started to walk back, but he tripped on something and made him fall and yelp. All the purple flames disappeared and it was just him and the monster. The only thing he could see were those eyes. It approached him and he couldn't help but whimper in fear. 'I'm going to die. I shouldn't have come here.' With every step it took, the ground shook beneath them. It snarled and glared at Ricky. As it came very close to him, he felt a large scaly and sharp surface cover his entire body. He gasped louder and moaned. Then it seemed to have backed away from Ricky's response. Then he felt a sudden urge get up and touch it. Following the fires light he got closer to the eyes until he bumped into something which he thought was his nose. It snorted loudly and gave Ricky an angry look, but not a look which told him to back away. He reached his hand out and caressed the beasts nose. He suddenly felt an urge to cry. Something about this beast was different, as if they could trust each other. He then saw a flash and saw the beasts past. He saw it from the beasts eyes. It was a woman and a little girl, they were looking at it with admiration and they both had the same eyes as him.
"April, do you want to hold it."
"Is it okay if I do mom?"
"Of course, it won't hurt you." The he was in the hands of April, who he now recognized was his mother when she was a child. The woman must be his grandmother. She looked beautiful. He was looking around and then gurgled fire. April screamed and handed it to her mother, who was laughing.
"Welcome to the family, little one."
she said before Ricky came back to reality. He hugged it tighter and he felt it loosen up, like it accepted him as family.

Back in the mansion Chris and Angelo finally ended the planning and got out of the room.
"Want to grab something to eat."
"I would but I have to go to Ricky."
"Oh yeah, you've made your decision?"
"Yeah, I'm going to tell him-" he was cut off by a scream from outside. They looked at each other then dashed out. Them and the guards ran to the source of sound but were found stuck in their place. Chris saw the man he loved on top of a.. a... dragon. Everyone coward away as of they were in more danger than ever before. People looked at Ricky as if they've never seen each other before.
"Ricky..." Chris whispered before walking towards them.
"Chris don't!" Angelo yanked him back.
"That's Ricky on top of that thing!"
"I know that! But it's not safe! It's a fucking dragon!"
"I know that!"
"Don't fear it. Don't fear us." Ricky screamed. "It will not harm you unless you provoke it or I tell him too."
"Ricky... what is this. What have you brought home." Ryan Ashely asked stupendously.
"I've brought home a fellow creature. I've brought something willing to fight with us. I've brought my family."
"Ricky..I mean.. where.. how.. what?" Chris stammered but was laughing.
"You're... not mad?" Ricky asked wincing.
"Mad!? We have a fucking dragon on our side! A FUCKING DRAGON!" He screamed in triumph, making everyone scream with him. The dragon roared out load and everyone stared at the beautiful but scary beast.
"Haha I love this, you can train with it and stay by its side during battle." Ricky looked at him with wide eyes.
"Wait... I can go... I can fight??!!"
"I made that decision a while back but I just wanted to be sure. I don't want to control you. I want you to be free. But I also want you to be safe. This way, you get to be both."
"Oh Chris!" Ricky jumped on Chris and he held on to him. Then Chris dipped him and they shared a passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and the dragon roared once more. Then they parted and Chris smiled cheekily.
"What?" Ricky smiled.
"I've been waiting to make up so that we could have proper sex."
"Not right now." Ricky whispered.
"Pleeeaaaasseee." Chris whined.
"Tonight. I promise." He smirked and Chris pecked him on the cheek, accepting the deal.

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