Will you back out?

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Cerulean district
"Alright Chris. What's the plan?" Josh asked as him and Chris walked side by side.
"No plan. We attack."
"Cool, cool. Works for me." He said nodding his head vigorously, "But shouldn't we consult this with the others?"
"Alright. Call for a gathering for all who are willing to fight. Meeting at the arena right now."
"Yes Chris!" He screamed before running to inform the others as Chris made his way to the arena.
At the arena
"Creatures." Chris began. "We've stood our ground far too long and have let those soldiers play with our lives far too much. It is time we strike and hit them good this time." Cheers erupted from all sides.
"I agree. So captain, soon to be king," Ashley said seductively, gaining her natural ora back, "tell us what to do and we're on it."
"Simple. Just go and fight till your dying breath." Everyone looked confused...
"I meant what the plan is..."
"That IS the plan."
"So you expect us to just go in and fight?" Someone yelled from the crowd that roared with fury.
"How the hell are we going to do that?" Came a scream from the crowd.
"Yeah. Last time you had a plan and that didn't work. How is it supposed to work with no plan and with the king having that fierce weapon?"
"Who knows how many he has now?"
"Okay okay settle down!" Ryan attempted to quiet them.
"SILENCE!" Chris bellowed. An instant silence followed.
"I'm aware of how ridiculous this sounds but you must all remember how long a plan needs to take. We planned that attack for over many years and it did not succeed for we had a drunkard and a traitor possible working by his side ruining it. This time we have a larger force with a driving passion.
"I don't know Chris... I don't think it would be ethical for us to just attack."
Chris was beginning to lose his temper. How was he supposed to lead an army when none of them were willing to listen or cooperate with him.
"Alright! We'll conduct a plan." He thought and thought but nothing came to his head. After 20 minutes of people thinking and giving up on pathetic ideas, most decided to back out.
"Wait. You can't leave! We need all the creatures we can get." Josh exclaimed.
"Don't bother josh. It's not mandatory for people to risk their lives for a failed attempt anyways." Chris stated sitting down, disheartened by the whole scenario.  They couldn't fight a battle that big today. "The longer we wait here, the worse Ricky gets." Ashely then erupted.
"What?" Devin asked. Chris didn't bother turning for he thought she meant it hypothetically.
"Look I didn't say anything but now I'm sure..." Chris then turned, concerned.
"What're you talking about?" He asked walking to her.
"I had this theory that magic can be amplified when emotions were involved. That turned out to be true. But with Ricky? He's different. Emotions do play a part, but he seems to have chosen YOU as his amplifier. So that means-"
"That I'm his strength. It wasn't the forest that made him feel powerful. It was-"
"You." Ryan Ashely said lovingly. Chris was stunned. 'That's why he couldn't protect himself.' Devin thought to himself when he remembered that night. 'It wasn't that he wasn't near the forest. It was Chris. He gained power once Chris was nearby. But that means something else..'
"Ashley, can he also give strength?" Devin asked.
"What do you mean?"
"When Chris almost killed me that night I was with Ricky," everyone shivered from the memory of it all, "he had exceptional strength."
"Yeah. I've never seen anyone do that. But I just thought it was a cerulli hidden talent." Josh added.
"It was like Ricky's emotions came out from you." This got everyone thinking.
"What're you trying to say?"
"I'm saying what if Chris isn't just Ricky's amplifier, but Chris is Ricky's too."
"But I'm not a witch to have that kind of power."
"Maybe it's not just you. Maybe he can do that to everyone."
"Ricky then has the power to take away strength and fear but to also force onto others?"
"Fear amplification. That's one of my main powers, but it's just fear and not as strong as his." Ryan Ashely stated.
"That explains a lot! That's why the people of the kingdom were always scared. It's because he was too. All the time. And that's why the second he came here, you were angry and scared too Chris." Chris remembered the first night he was here. He needed to sleep with Ashley to get his nerves to calm down. When he felt happy here, so did everyone else. When he felt in peace with himself, so did Chris..
"This is all making sense now. He's our secret weapon." He then turned to the crowd.
"Change of plans! The kingdom is too big of an objective to succeed. Tonight's goal is to retrieve something back to us."
"Yeah? And what's that?"
"Ricky." The crowd moaned.
"Look Chris, sir, master. Not to anger you but not all of us are willing to risk our lives for Ricky."
"How dare you say that! Ricky is a creature and we never let anyone get left behind!" Kylie exclaimed.
"We love him and all. My point wasn't meant to offend you. My apologies. I just meant that most of us are really tired and we can't fight for that."
"I understand." Chris stated calmly. "As I've already told everyone. No one is forced to fight today. But he's a secret weapon and very important to us."
"How's he a secret weapon?"
"They don't know how to deal with his powers. It took them a year to master Ryan Ashley's and few other witches powers. It'll take them time to even discover what he does for his powers are not like the rest. He can amplify strength and with that we can win. All we need to do is get him back."
"And how are we going to do that?"
"Yeah Chris. Barging in and demanding for him isn't an option."
"Guys.. I might have an idea..." Ryan said cheekily while staring at something that interested him.

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