As the walls melt, and the light fades

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Couple nights have passed and Chris and Ricky still haven't spoken to each other. Kylie and Devin were still in the sorceress tent, refusing to part and spending their nights there as well. This gave Ricky a chance to sleep in their room instead of the dungeon. He was so lost as what to do with his dilemma. He loved Chris, but what if he ruined things again. Him distancing himself away from Chris showed that he got back to his responsibilities. He chose to keep the people safe rather than him and that's what he wanted. He let Devin stay, even though he still didn't trust him. As he lay on the bed, he couldn't help but fantasize over the times he and Chris have spent together.
"Come on old man!" Ricky giggled as he was running inside the house.
"Ricky! Slow down! I just came back from training. I'm exhausted." Chris panted far behind him. Then Ricky ran into their room and crouched behind the small drawer and kept silent.
"Ricky..." Chris walked in and looked around, scanning his eyes everywhere. "Ohhhh rickkkkk" he cooed as he stared around the room. Ricky muffled a giggle and poked his head out a bit to see Chris turning in circles.
"I wonder where you could be..." he turned to Ricky's direction, making him leap behind the drawer. All was silent for a while. Ricky poked his head out again to find no one there.
"Gotcha!" Ricky squealed with delight as Chris grabbed him and carried him into his arms.
"Oh no! A barbarian! Somebody help me!" Ricky gasped and pantomimed himself as fainting. "Please don't hurt me."
"Then you do as I say, only then I'll let you live." He felt Chris's lustful energy grow inside him.
"Aren't you EXHAUSTED from your training."
"Not anymore I'm not."
"Then I'll do ANYTHING you say." Lust filled his eyes. They collided their lips and moved in sync, as their passion for each other grew stronger. Chris threw Ricky on the bed then crawled on him. Ricky intertwined his fingers in Chris's hair. Chris unbuttoned Ricky's shirt then got up to remove his. He then went back down and kissed him back. Ricky shuffled under him in order to remove his and Chris's pants. Once all was settled and positions were fixed, the action took place. Chris continuously pushed himself deeper and deeper as Ricky's muffled screams became louder and louder. They parted their lips and Ricky moaned and screeched as sweat was dripping from his face. Chris groaned as his pace quickened. Ricky arched his back and Chris put his hand below his back for closer contact and wrapped Ricky's hands in one and pinned them on top of his head. His constant movements were so strong that he moved the bed with every thrust. He then turned Ricky in one second so that he was facing the bed. With hands and knees on the bed, Ricky felt a bit of more control with this one. Chris grabbed Ricky's hips and thrusted himself in Ricky from behind. Ricky felt pure ecstasy and thought he was going to fall forward until Chris grabbed him from his hair and neck and pushed harder into him. Surprisingly, Ricky enjoyed the pain that was being given to him.
"Take the pain with the pleasure." Chris whispered into Ricky's ear, making him shiver. Take the pain with the pleasure..
Ricky came out of his trance from that noise. He stared at the door for a few seconds just to see that he wasn't dreaming. Another knock came. He got up to open it and when he did, someone his size looked terrified and then hid his face.
"Sssorry to interrupt..bbut mmmr cerulli wwwants to sssee you ooouutside." The man ran away after that. 'Must be the servant Chris is always complaining about.' Ricky thought to himself. He didn't really think much about it since his mind was preoccupied with the fact that Chris wants to see him. Outside? He wrapped a blanket around himself and made his way outside. When he did he saw a trial of pedals leading to the back yard. Ricky smiled and slowly walked to where it trailed and then skipped the rest of the way. He was so busy looking down to where the pedals were left to notice that Chris was standing a few meters way smiling at Ricky's joy. When he did look up, he was surprised to see that Chris was holding a huge bouquet of black roses.
"These are for you."
"Chris..this is all lovely but you know it can't work out."
"Shhhhhh. Just look up." Ricky looked up to see what appeared to him as the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. A sky full of stars. He was struck with awe. He then felt two hands wrap around his shoulder and the bouquet resting on the side of his face, engulfed with the beautiful scent.
"Don't you think it's beautiful. The complete darkness filled with specks of light. That's what my soul looked like when you showed up." Ricky turned to face Chris.
"You know this can't work."
"Yes it can. I just need to control it."
"Chris that's the issue. You can't."
"Only when you're not with me." He stared deep into his eyes. "It was you who brought peace inside me. When you left, you took that peace with you. You can't comprehend how difficult it was for me to keep everything in order when you weren't by my side. Ricky I don't just love you. I need you. I'm vulnerable without you. You are my better half." Ricky thought about everything that he said and realized that he felt the same way.
"You are my better half too. You are my strength. When I'm around you, you make me feel fearless and wild. I love you Chris."
"Then be mine. Forever".
"Forever." It was like all their problems vanished. It was as though they had never fought before that. They shared a kiss and kept it for so long that they thought they would eventually melt into it and mould into a being in that form. Together, they made a full piece. All of sudden, sounds erupted from the other side. They both turned around towards the source of noise.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know." Chris had an extremely concerned face and slowly walked towards the other side and held Ricky back to protect him. When they made it to the front of the mansion, the sight they saw left them speechless....

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