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Cerulean district (kuza's room)
"Are you sure that you saw the symbol?" Kuza couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"What are you trying to imply?! That I'm lying or that I'm seeing things?! It was a star symbol alright! That's not the strangest part. The prisoner saved my life."
"Yeah right! Why the hell would he save you, let alone help you?"
"I DON'T KNOW OKAY! NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE." Chris and mike were the closest. If there was anyone Chris could share his worries with, it would be him. They were practically like brothers.
"Look. They know that we exist and they saw that we were strong. They probably have the whole city looking for us."
"But how could they have known that the forest would be practical. I mean they heard me telling Ryan-Ashley to send us back there. But the forest is a large premise. How could've they gotten near. Something just doesn't make since. What if they find this place."
"It's impossible Chris. They can't find this place without some sort of help. Look, you only saw one horse. Maybe there was only one soldier just wandering around. And since they heard you telling her to send you back. They probably think that's where we're hiding. They'll continue to look in the forest. They won't get near this place."
"I hope you're right. I need to establish a new rule that no one goes off to the forest by themselves. I can't make the witches stay away, it's where they find everything they need."
"I know. Don't worry Chris. Ryan-Ashley is in charge of all the witches. She won't let them do a damn thing without consulting her first." They both sighed due to the frustration. A crash came from the back of a desk in the corner. Someone was in the room. Listening. Chris ran towards the sound and saw that it was his servant. He grabbed him from the neck and carried him to the center of the room.
"What the hell do you think you're doing." He asked him coldly, looking him dead in the eyes, making it more frightening. The servent couldn't answer but was kicking frantically and crying.
"Chris put Matt down. You're suffocating him!"
"Why should I? He was hiding in your room. I'm doing you a favor by killing him."
"I put him there you dumbass! LET GO!" Mike stood up to help Matt. Matts kicking slowed down as his eyes were also closing. Chris let go and allowed Matt to fall into mikes arms. He was coughing and gasping violently.
"Why in the name of fuck would you put him there? He coul- no fucking way. YOU'RE FUCKING THE WEASEL!"
"Don't call him that! And keep your voice down!" He whisper yelled while placing Matt on his bed.
"He heard everything! Why couldn't you tell me! And how long has this been going on?"
"It's not like he's gonna say anything. He's scared shitless. It's been going pretty long."
"And you haven't told me because..."
"Because I knew you'd freak out."
"You have the chance to fuck whoever you want and you go for this guy?" Looking at Matt with disgust.
"It's more than fucking. I like him"
"YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR WEA- okay." Chris started heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to take this all in and to relax. Make sure he keeps his mouth shut."
"He will." Chris slammed the door leaving Matt and mike awestruck.
Mike walked towards Matt and sat on his bed. "Don't worry about him. I won't let him do anything to you." He brushed a few strands of Matts hair and placed them behind his ear. Matt gave a faint smile as he leaned towards Mike. They shared a very passionate kiss which led to a very steamy one. They both frantically moved there hands on the other ones body, trying in every way to remove their clothes. They parted from there kiss to remove their shirts and continued to go at it. Matt began to down to his neck and then to his chest.
"Wait babe, you always do it. Let me give you some today. As a form of apology." Matt did not argue and sat on his side. Mike got off the bed and went to the edge. He grabbed Matt from the ankles and pulled him closer so that he was still on the bed, but his feet were out. Matt moved up with his elbows being his pillars and mike moved closer to make out with him. Mike then slowly moved down to his neck, making Matt moan, and left marks down his stomach. He knelt on the floor and put both of matts legs on his shoulders. He began to suck him off from this tip to the base, slowly taking his time. Matt whimpered and moaned as his head was dropped backwards with his elbows still being his supporters. They eventually gave up on him and he fell on his bed, one hand holding the sheets and the other pulling on mikes hair. He gasped louder with each second as he felt the knot in his stomach tighten. Mike pulled back and went closer to matts face with his legs still on mikes shoulders. Matt was very flexible and did not mind that he was enveloped while making out with mike. Without a warning, mike slammed in Matt which caused a muffled scream. He kept going in and out till Matt was fully sweating and being pleasured. Sounds of gasps, screams, and curses filled the room before they both came on eachother. Mike fell on matts side as they both held hands.
Palace of anoux
The king strode towards the grandfather clock that was in the abandoned hallway. He opened the window, revealing the pendulum and slid a mobile piece that hid a button. He put pressure on it and then let it go. He pulled the grandfather forward and showed a staircase. He walked and pulled it back shut. He walked downstairs and saw his employees working at a full pace. There were people crushing something with mortar and pestle. Others burning and melting metal. He was observing their work till he reached the head and asked him how things were running.
"Everything seems to be in order my lord."
"Excellent. I want everything to be perfect. I have asked the preist to come here an hour from now." They both smiled sickly knowing what the other was thinking.

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