I got a secret, not sure if I wanna keep it

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Forest near the cerulean district
Ricky woke up the next morning on top of Chris, both of them completely naked. He put his head up and looked down at his loves face. He stared so long at him that he didn't even realize that his hair was brushing Chris's nose, forcing him to open his eyes and see a dark angel staring down at him with the sunshine bordering his face. Their smiles were evident and then shared a kiss so passionate that the energy around them became so strong that flowers bloomed sooner then expected and water cycled faster. It then occurred to Chris that they should be in the castle because they both had responsibility.
"Shit Ricky! We need to go back, people can't see us walking back from the forest like this." Getting up and dressing himself. Ricky looked a bit taken back.
"Like this or with me?" Chris turned to see a sad Ricky and walked to him and picked him up and spun him around. Ricky's scream and giggles filled his ears and he laughed from happiness. He then held him bridal style and kissed him.
"I don't EVER want you thinking that I am ashamed of you. You mean more to me than anyone and I would love nothing more than to show you off. I just meant that we have high positions and many responsibilities." Ricky smiled, relieved.
"I love you so much mr cerulli. Now, put me down so that I can get dressed."
"Look who gained some authority." Placing him down.
"I don't know, every time I'm here, I just feel so strong and powerful, like nothing can hurt me."
"You know Ricky, that's a basic witch instinct. The forest is filled with elements and it's your specialty to use them."
"So, you're okay with me being a witch?"
"I love you more for being a witch." They both smiled and fixed themselves up. Once done, they made their way towards the district, hand in hand and smiling goofily.
In the district
"I can't find Chris or Ricky." Kylie told the others, panting from running around.
"You guys, you don't think Chris finally snapped and...hurt Ricky...badly." Josh said morbidly.
"He wouldn't! They've been getting along so well lately! Then again... they were arguing last night. I heard them screaming and a lot of thumps...oh no!" Devin said concerned.
"Hey look!" Ryan said, pointing towards the forest. Everyone saw Chris and Ricky walking hand in hand and laughing shyly. Most of the guys wooed and cooed them that even the lumberjacks were being silly. The girls felt like their hearts had melted and they all had heart eyes. The feedback they received was mostly positive and cheerful, but there's always hate. Surprisingly enough, the hate came from one of their closest friends. Devin began his way back to the mansion and ignored everyone's cheers and coos. Love was in the air, but the hate exhausted from him and he knew that staying there would attract attention from the witches. Ricky held tighter to Chris's arm since he was away from the forest, so he depended on his source of strength. They greeted everyone morning and began their usual routine without bothering to go to wash up. A group of children ran up to Ricky and he picked two of them and giggled at their innocent stares. He let go of Chris and gave him that look that said ' I gotta do what I gotta do.' Chris understood and gave him a reassuring look before seeing his love walking away with the children. He walked towards his group of friends and greeted them and tried to ignore their smirks.
"So Christopher. Someone got busy." Josh said, nudging him. Chris couldn't help but smile at the thought of last night.
"Also in the forest!? Kinky motherfucker." Mike seductively put his arm around his friends shoulder.
"Okay, okay. You've had your fun. We must discuss an important topic once we're done with checking everything from the list."
"We'll handle that MASTER cerulli. You just go ahead and take a shower and get some rest." Jasmine gestured towards the mansion.
"I don't know you guys-"
"Quit being so uptight! Just trust us!" Josh whined.
"I trust Ryan." Chris said giving Ryan a look that said 'take care of things.' Ryan was shocked just like the others when he heard that. Chris walked up to him and put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.
"You made a mistake once in the battlefield, but that's in the past. It took a while for me to realize it, but I've come to the agreement to forgive you. Truth is, you helped me more than you know it and you've always been loyal to me even when I treated you like a rat. You are one of my trusted comrades and best friends." Everyone knew the story of how Ryan was supposed to protect Chris's father during battle but failed to keep his duty and lost respect from almost everyone, profusely from Chris, so this astounded everyone. He gave a sincere look to Ryan and from that point he made his way to the mansion. Thoughts of Ricky flashing in his mind.
In the mansion
Chris got all his equipment to shower when he heard soft whimpering coming from the corridor. He looked to see Devin crying lightly.
"Hey Dev. You alright?" A startled Devin instantly fixed himself and acted like he was completely normal.
"Chris hey! I'm good, great actually! Saw you and Ricky walking holding hands. I'm guessing you guys are...a thing now." Chris chuckled lightly.
"Yeaaaahhh we're still figuring things out." They both chuckled. "Listen dev, secrets can be dangerous things sometimes, it's better to share them than to let them eat you."
"I know... it's just.. I have to deal with something before it deals with me. Know what I mean?"
"Yeah. Anyways, I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll see you tonight then. We have something to discuss."
"Oh okay, yeah sure." Devin said before walking away from him, contemplating on his secret.

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