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Ricky opened his eyes to see the road moving backwards, his hair flying in front of him. It took him a second to remember that he was on a horse with his father, heading back to his town. He wiggled in his position to realize it was futile as he was completely tied up. He also realized that he was wearing three collars of some kind of metal piece that didn't seem to have been made for the purpose of wearing them. It chocked him a bit. He sighed and accepted his conditions. He then looked to his right to see matt, who he had just found out was his brother all along. He had a different look on his face. He still looked like the cowardice servant he was, but with a sense of force in his expression. He could sense it too. Fear and pride flew out of him. He then recognized the familiar grounds and knew he was back. The gates of the high walls opened to let the troop of soldiers enter the castle grounds. The king, with the prince and couple of other soldiers, went straight ahead towards the giant entrance whereas the rest went right and left to head to their own wards. As they reached, horse takers came and helped them unload what was on them and to escort them to the stables. The king dismounted the horse and motioned to Ricky. A guard grabbed him but accidentally dropped him. Ricky fell to the ground with a thud and a yelp. Matt snickered from the other side as he also was standing petting the horse.
"Yeah... take him to my lair. He will be of great use there."
"Whatever you have to say can wait. I have to see someone and then I'll come to you." Before Ricky could object, he was being swept away and his father was walking away with matt by his side.
"Yes Matthew?"
"Am I really going to be the new heir to the throne?"
"Of course! You don't think I'd let HIM rule my kingdom." Matt was beaming with joy as his hard work and years of torment finally payed off.
Minutes later:
Ricky screamed out profanities and writhed around as a guard dragged him across the floor.
"Don't struggle!"
"Fuck you!" He screamed out more till the guard stopped.
"If you won't stay silent then I'll force you." The guard grabbed him from his hair and stuffed a piece of clothing in his mouth. Ricky couldn't tell what it was but it was surely filthy. He then threw him on his shoulder and strided towards the grandfather clock. With all being done and walking down the stairs, Ricky continued on, coming out as muffled sounds. They reached the end and what Ricky saw horrified him. What his father wore on his hands had been made in thousands. It seemed that whatever it was that kept the magic locked is now being made in thousands. How will the witches survive if this keeps going on?! The guard threw him on a wooden desk and secured his hands and feet with more metal shuts. The guard then walked and left Ricky alone. He attempted to break himself free with magic but it didn't seem to work so he started writhing again.
"Calm yourself boy. You're not getting out of here. Those metals are strictly made to keep you from using your powers."
He looked to the side to see his father slowly walking next to him. He put on a brave face at first but then coward to the side when he reached him. His father laughed.
"You have and always will be a whiny scared little boy! You're a disgrace for a son." He ripped the cloth out of his mouth.
"Why are you doing this! The outcasts are very nice people! If you could just give them a chance, you'd see! There's no point in fighting."
"Have you become stupider while being away! Those savages stole you from here and the only reason why they kept you was for me to go to them! You think they care about you?! None of them do! Especially not Christopher! Son of my enemy!"
"You're wrong! He loves me, just like I love him!"
"LOVE YOU SAY! HAHAHA! WE HAVE OURSELVES A LITTLE FAGGOT HERE DONT WE! No son of mine is some gay lunatic! Come to your senses! Men cannot love each other in that way! It unheard of."
"Just like a male witch but I'm still here." Ricky retorted strongly.
"You're just all kinds of weird then. The second I'm done with using you for my advantage, I'm going to slaughter you bit by bit. And I'll take care of your "friends" too. Maybe I'll pry Christopher open just to show you that there's nothing inside him!"
"You're wrong! There's so much more inside of them!"
"They are cursed and broken! Just like you! There's nothing more to any of them."
"Then I'm just like them."
"Maybe. If so, why haven't they run after us to save you. Damsel in distress and yet your still here. With me." Ricky stayed silent for the time being.
"Face it. They're not coming. They don't care enough. You'll come undone before they even decide to take action." His father then started walking towards the stairs.
"Don't call me that. You're not my son. You never were.." they stared at each other.
"Lights out creature." His father added before leaving him alone. He couldn't help but think of Chris and the rest of the bunch. He missed them all so much. He wished he could spend time with Chris like they did before. He let a few tears slip before giving in to his depression. 'I'm all alone...'

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