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Palace of anoux
"I don't care if you have to use your elite team. Find my son and bring me the man who took him. Of course the priority is to get my son safely back home." The king ordered his men after speaking to the journalists about the event and also about putting up the the rewards on the information that people can give if they saw them.
"I heard the man telling his sorceress to send them to the woods. Look around that area, they might still be hiding there." He then left to comfort his distressed wife. He hugged and hushed her to calm down, assuring her that their son was fine. She was hoping to feel relieved, but she just wished he could loosen his embrace..
Cerulean district
Richard awoke the morrow evening with his hands chained to the wall that he rest himself on. He wiggled his hands in attempt to break free. He gave up easily in fear that he would hurt himself. He frowned as he felt his forehead pain and remembered the masked man hitting him in the head. Tears brimmed his eyes. He heard footsteps descending the stairs and quivered. He saw that it was a man who looked quite feminine. "Well. Well. Looks like the weasel has awakened." Richard did not respond. He was too scared to move a muscle but pushed himself to look away from him. He realized that he had made a mistake by doing that for the next second, the man pulled him from his jaw to look at him directly.
"Mr cerulli told me not to harm you," he tightened his grip, making Richard whimper. "But what's the harm of a broken jaw."
"Devin!" The man suddenly let go and lept to the side.
"What do you think you're doing!" Richard was shaking at this point.
"Chris. Uh. Nothing. Just. Having fun. Scaring him. That's all." Devin stammered. Chris walked over to Devin and grabbed him from the hem of his shirt.
"I wasn't really going to hurt him! I swear! I wouldn't disobey your orders like that!" Devin was evidently terrified.
"Yes sir! Of course sir!" Once Chris let go of his shirt, Devin ran with the speed of God. Chris turned to face Richard, and that's when he realized that the man standing in front of him was the man that had taken him.
"So, do you know who I am?" Richard just shook his head.
"I'm the man that's going to end your life." Chris chuckled.
"You're not much of a talker are you?" Richard did not talk nor look away.
"That's fine. As long as you behave yourself. Or else you'll get to understand why devin was so terrified of disobeying me." Two more people entered the basement that looked like a torture chamber. One looked very indifferent towards this whole situation while the other one had red and black hair.
"You called mr C." The girl with red and black hair chirped.
"Yes. Ashley and Ryan. Since one of you is one that I trust dearly," he looked mearily at Ashely," while the other is too useless to fight a battle," he grimaced at Ryan," you two are to watch over this Royal crap and to take care of him."
"Yes sir!" Ashley siluted while Ryan just shrugged.
"Good. Ryan you take the first shift." Chris and Ashely went up afterwards. Leaving Richard with Ryan.
Chris and Ashely walked back to Chris's room where the servent was cleaning the room. "Leave." Chris muttered while waving his hand towards the door. The servent walked straight out. The servent closed the door and Chris began his raged up tantrum. He threw his belonging everywhere, making a mess out of the room. Ashley sat in the corner waiting for it to be over. Everyone knew that Chris was always angry for no reason. He was just an angry man.
"Isn't that's why I'm here?" Ashely smirked and raised her eyebrow. Without a warning Chris grabbed her from the corner and threw her on the wall. She did not mind. She was also laughing, as though enjoying the pain. Chris made out with her and removed her clothes at the same time. Ashley continued to laugh through their kiss. He then pushed her on his bed and quickly removed his shirt. He attacked her neck and violently left marks down her chest. He hungrily attached his mouth to her torso and moved his tongue up and down her skin. He moved all the way down her thigh and circled her inner thighs. She gasped and giggled at the same time. He then began to devour her from the lower area. She wrapped her legs around his neck and pulled on his hair. Before allowing her to cum, he kneeled up, pulled his trousers down and thrusted in her without givin her time to adjust. She screamed, moaned, and grabbed the sheets while he continued his crazy motions. He then lifted one of her legs up his shoulder and tried this new position. He moaned loud while releasing his anger out on the best way he could. They both felt the tight knot in their stomachs and both screamed while coming simultaneously. Chris fell on his bed, feeling much more relaxed. Ashley stood up and started dressing herself.
"How are you not tired?" He asked incredulously.
"Chris. I'm a witch. I suck out all that bad energy of yours and turn it into the kind of energy that I want." She smirked before leaving.
"Chris, give yourself a break." She added before leaving the room.
"I'll take a break once I'm a king!"

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