Chapter 3

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At 3pm the final bell rang signaling that Emma had made it through the whole school day. Emma couldn't be more relived, while she was overall excited about going to Midtown high was sick of having the same new kid conversation: "Yes Emma Brisbane from Seattle, Yes Seattle is far away, Yes it does rain a lot there". Being the new girl really wasn't that exciting when everyone asked the same three questions, at least the first day was officially done.

As Emma began walking out she got bumped by a kid running out of the school in a hurry. The boy yelled back "Sorry!" as Emma realized that the boy was in fact Peter from her chemistry class. Emma rubbed her arm not that she could blame him for wanting to get away from school as fast as possible; but he sure was doing a lot of physical activity just to leave school, much more then Emma was willing to give as she continued to walk to her bus stop.

As Emma arrived at her apartment after the bus, Emma realized just how quite it was. It was hard coming back to such a silent, unfamiliar place after a hard first day at school. Emma was so used to being greeted by her mom and the smell of fresh cookies that new quietness made her feel even more alone. Emma had gotten used to coming home to any empty house in the last few months but it was still hard having to grow up much faster then the average fifteen year old.

Emma turned on the TV for background noise and started brewing a cup of coffee to make herself more comfortable. As Emma took as sip of her coffee she started searching the Internet again for information on the Spider-man that had saved her last night. Watching the latest video of Spider-man swinging from building to building, Emma couldn't help but feel a slightly bit jealous of the hero. It must feel amazing to be able to escape the normal banal workings of daily life and just be able to practically fly. While Emma was certain that she was no where near brave enough to be a hero, she was still a little jealous of them having more a purpose in life then going to school and getting a job. Sometimes Emma's everyday life was just a little too average for her liking. Then again, Emma was just grateful that she knew that she was mostly safe everyday, something any hero couldn't say.

A knock on Emma's door snapped her out of her deep train of though. Emma quickly rushed to the door to see a middle-age woman holding a plate of cookies. "Hi! Oh my goodness, aren't you so cute!" The women chirped "I'm May your new next door neighbor and I just wanted to stop by and say hello and welcome to the building!"

Emma smiled at this women's full of life attitude. "I'm Emma, my dad's not here right now but thank you for stopping by, I was so nervous that we were going to end up living next to some grumpy old man"

"Oh no! Just my nephew, Peter, and me! You know I bet you are almost the same age as him. You should come over sometime for dinner, Peter would really do well meeting a cute girl like you! You know he's always at his internship or studying in his room that he never has time for any fun!" May rambled. Emma couldn't help thinking of the other Peter she had met today in her Chemistry class. Then again Peter was a very common name so Emma thought nothing more about the matter.

Emma blushed as May complemented her appearance once again. "Well thank you I would love to come over sometime! We just moved here from Seattle, so I hardily know anyone"

"Oh goodness! What a big change for you moving here! Well I will for sure then start planning a day for you to come over but in the mean time I really must be running, I'm going to be so late. But this cookies are for you" May said quickly handing over the cookie platter, "and I'm sure I will be seeing you soon!"

Emma could already tell she liked May. She came and went like a whirlwind but she had such a happy personality, Emma couldn't help but have a smile on her face after their conversation. Emma settled back down at her kitchen to watch more YouTube videos for what she thought was going to be a lazy night. Little did Emma know that May was not going to be her last surprise visitor of the evening.


Peter Parker had been having a pretty boring day to say the least. After a long tedious day at school Peter had rushed off to his "internship" also known as Spider-man. While Peter was happy just to be in suit and swinging through the city the truth was he was getting tired of just being a local hero. After fighting with the Avengers, Peter had been expecting to be doing little "retreats" every weekend. But the only thing that was happening to him was being ignored by Mr. Stark and giving old ladies directions. Spider-man was bigger then just the people of Queens and Peter was ready for some more action.

The only exciting thing that had happened to Peter since getting back from Germany was saving a pretty girl by the name of Emma. The blonde haired girl also just happened to be his newest lab partner. Peter was fascinated with the girl to say the least but he knew that she could never know it was him who saved her. Peter was grateful he got to live a mostly normal life and that no one knew his secret but the double life came with its own of set troubles. Such as always having to lie to his aunt May or still being the loser of his school.

As the sun began to go down Peter decided it was about time to call it day, call Happy with his report, and head home. May would be mad if he came back late again.

Peter settled on the balcony of an apartment in his complex that had been vacant for a few months. This had been one of his favorite places for him to watch over the city as Spider-man in his last few moments before he had to go home. Peter looked at the setting sun over his city as he pulled out his phone.

Suddenly, the window behind Peter opened and a voice rung out: "Are you stalking me our something". Peter jumped at the abrupt disturbance causing him to drop his phone seven stories down. So much for his supposedly enhanced reflexes, Peter thought as he sadly stared at his broken phone.

Peter looked behind him to see no other than Emma sticking her head out of the window. "Holy crap" Peter stumbled as he tried to think of something to say. "Isn't this an empty complex?"

"Not as of a week ago" Emma countered back.

"Oh geez... well this awkward. But I'm not stalking you or anything, not that a stalker would admit to it but I'm really not.... This is just where I normally come to rest because I thought it was still an empty apartment" Peter rambled his cheeks turning bright red under the mask. Thank god for the mask he was wearing right now or the whole neighborhood of Queens might be able to see how much he was blushing. Peter had always thought confidence and suave came with superpower but here he was with spider-like powers and still awkward as hell and unable to talk to girls.

"Don't worry about it. I'm actually glad I got to see you! I never really gave you a proper thank you for saving me last night. I don't even want to think what would of happened to me if you weren't there, so thank you."

"You're welcome just part of the job" Peter said trying to sound confident, "I really should be going, got to get a new phone and all"

"Wait before you go, I wanted to tell you that you can keep using my balcony. I don't really mind and letting Spider-Man use my balcony is hardly a price for him saving my life"

"Really?!" Peter asked exciting, "I mean, yeah sounds cool"

"See you late Spider-man" Emma said, as Peter got ready to swing off the balcony

"See you later, alley girl" Peter called before swinging away. Peter believed in fate, I mean you have to if you get bitten by a radioactive spider and then get abs over night. So it must be fate that Emma kept showing up in his life. Peter smiled to himself as he thought of the blonde girl. He couldn't wait to see her again, at least he hoped he would see her again if Aunt May didn't kill him first for breaking his phone.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and cute little awkward Peter. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this and if you liked this chapter please feel free to give it a vote or a comment it really means the world to me! 

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