18. One last stand

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Y/N, Newt and the others all ran through the corridors, all weaving in and out of the elaborate Maze trying to find the centre. Everyone was following Y/N and Newt, who were leading the group, while Thomas and Minho made sure everyone kept up with them. Even though there were many of them, the Maze was still an easy place to get lost in. Even throughout the daytime. After every turn of a corner, Y/N mentally counted down the corners until they were to hit the Glade. 'Fifteen... fourteen... thirteen...' The E/C eyed girl was surprised she even remembered the route of the Maze, considering she was in a comatose state for a year and had just spent weeks, possibly months, out in the Scorch and other places. Yet now... she was heading backwards to a place of familiarity.

Y/N nearly stumbled at the thought, but caught herself and kept running. But it was true. Many Gladers had considered the Glade - and even the Maze, to some extent - their home for over four years. And although she had only been a part of Group A for only a year or so, Y/N's heart swelled at the idea of going back to her old home. It was the first home that she had come to find since she had woken up with no memory. It was the place she felt wanted and needed by other people. It was also the place she had become part of a family who loved her. And it was also the place she found love. Looking back on that one, Y/N laughed at the thought of falling in love within a death trap. After all, that's all the Maze was to W.I.C.K.E.D.

But not to the Gladers. Not to Y/N. It was a place where both good and bad memories were made; where friendships were created, and lives were lost. Where everyone felt both safe and vulnerable at the same time. It was where many had come to be strong people of their own. And Y/N was sure that the Fielders and Gladers would agree. Ultimately, the Maze had become a part of them all, and there was no taking that back.

As the bunch of teenagers continued to run through the Maze, Y/N found some familiar corridors were beginning to pop up as they sped past. Even the ivy looked the same as they rounded the last corner that lead to the Glade. And even before they reached the opening to the huge open space, they could here them. The Munies. Those who had been trafficked by W.I.C.K.E.D. As the group pulled up to a stop at the entrance, Y/N's breath hitched in horror.


Thousands upon thousands of people were before their eyes - adults, children, babies. Even some of the elderly were trapped there, all looking around in utter confusion. 'How...?' was all that Y/N thought. 'How are we going to get them out of here?'
"Together." Y/N hadn't realised she had spoken her thoughts aloud, and so was surprised when she heard Newt answer from beside her. She turned to meet his deep brown eyes which were trained on the people before them. His eyes held such an intensity - such a fire - that Y/N had to blink twice or so to check if she was seeing things. But, still, the fire remained. Newt turned to face Y/N, his determined and intense gaze wavering as he said, "We will get them out together. Even if it takes us hours, we'll get them out I promise."

Suddenly, the ground shook and parts of the Glade's walls cracked - as if an explosion had gone off somewhere nearby. 'Perhaps it had.' Y/N remembered that just outside there was a war waging on, which meant bombs and other explosive materials were being used to fight.
"We might not have hours to get these guys out of here, Newt. Look," Minho piped up as he came running up beside them, pointing at the far side of the Glade. Newt and Y/N looked over in time to see a huge piece of the wall break off and fall on top of people.

All Y/N could hear were the screams. The screams seemed to come from everywhere - right next to her, far away, up above. Everywhere. Then she saw the panic in the eyes nearest to her. The people in front of her started running towards them, pushing and shoving anyone who came between them and an exit.
"We need to calm these people down, and fast!" Thomas yelled as he tried to stop some people from falling over. It was total and utter chaos. Y/N closed her eyes and began to breathe deeply. 'What do I do? What do I do!' The E/C eyes girl was starting to become frantic, her breathing now erratic and uneven. Newt noticed this immediately and stooped to her eye level and placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Hey," he said calmly, "hey, calm down. It's all right, we're going to get through this. But I need you to stay strong and to not panic. Okay?" Y/N still didn't open her eyes, but nodded all the same. Newt took a deep breath before starting again. "Okay, just listen to my breathing. We go in... then out. Then in... and out. Good. Keep going, Love."

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