16. Forgive, but never forget

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The young scientist's face contorted into a snarl, his teeth showing as he growled in frustration. Y/N was still smirking, but it soon faded when the scientist turned around to grab a walkie-talkie from one of the benches.
"We're ready to go, get down here immediately!" he yelled, his face flushed and his breathing ragged. The young man then slammed the device back on the bench and rushed around to another bench, one that contained all kinds of surgical equipment. Y/N shivered at the sight of the tools. The E/C eyed girl saw the scientist pick up a needle that contained a clear liquid. Y/N recognised the liquid almost immediately. 'They're gonna knock me out!' Y/N started to panic; she had been knocked out enough times over the past few months and it scared her every time she saw infinite black because she didn't know if she was going to see anything else ever again. So she struggled against her restraints; tugged, pulled, did everything she could to rip the metal clasps off her wrists and ankles. But it was all to no avail; she wasn't going to get out of this one this time.

"I would stop trying that, if I were you." the young scientist said in a more calming manner, turning to face her. "It won't work, as you should already know."
"Yeah, I do..." Y/N replied, still struggling with her restraints, "but that doesn't mean I won't quite fighting until I can't anymore. My friends are out there fighting their hardest, so I have to do so as well." The scientist just sighed with frustration before saying, "Guards. Hold her still." Suddenly, Y/N's arms were held still and so were her legs. She screamed out in anger, still trying to break free although her situation told her otherwise. As the young man approached her table, the door he had entered through opened again. This time opening for three more men in white lab coats. All three were holding clipboards, and all of them were slightly older men. Unlike the young man in front of her, the other men had either greyed hair, greying hair, or no hair at all. There were wrinkles on their foreheads, indicating their ages slightly, and one of them had glasses just like her young scientist friend.

"Hurry up, Christensen." the last scientist to come in said, "We need to do this as quickly as possible now that we are under attack."
"Yes, Doctor Matthews." was the young man's, now known as Christensen, response as he turned his focus back on the H/C haired girl in front of him. His face was neutral; no snarl, no smirk, no indication of the small victory he had claimed between them. Y/N knew she couldn't escape this, but the thought of being placed into complete and utter darkness, and unconsciousness while four men tore her apart, frightened her almost to death. Before she knew it, Y/N was screaming in pain as Christensen stabbed her with the needle, injecting the medication that would knock her out. A lone tear slid down her cheeks as he removed the needle from her arm.
"Now... that wasn't too hard, was it now?" Christensen taunted, his smirk returning in all it's disgusting glory. Y/N tried to return a snarky remark, but soon felt light-headed; sleepy, even. 'No!' she told herself, 'Don't... fall aslee...' And before she knew it, Y/N was once again welcomed by infinite darkness and complete loneliness.


"Go, go, go!"
Newt was running behind Minho as best as he could through the ever-white corridors of the main W.I.C.K.E.D. facility. His limp stung but he ignored it; it wasn't the main focus. Finding Y/N was. 'Come on... where is she?', Newt asked himself as himself, Minho, and Thomas ran through the corridors. Minho was in the front, as he was the fastest and the strongest of the trio. He would need to be up the front in case they ran into some guards and they needed to fight. Thomas ran at the back, so as to help Newt keep up with them. At times, Thomas would either grab Newt's arm and drag him along, or push him in the back to keep him ahead. Or he would just run beside him, telling him to keep going and to push on. Newt hated feeling dependent on someone, but he was grateful all the same. Thomas' words of encouragement reminded the blond-haired boy of Y/N and how she comforted him back in the Glade. 'Y/N...', thinking of her brought Newt back to reality, and his determination only grew more as he thought of his girl with a bunch of W.I.C.K.E.D. scientists treating her like a guinea pig.

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