2. To Swipe or not to Swipe...

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Y/N stared wide-eyed at Janson as he continued reading the list. She looked to the floor, her head spinning and overwhelmed. It was like she had been hit by a tonne of bricks, knocking the air out of her, because she couldn't breathe. It was like someone had pushed a button and muted everything, apart from her heartbeat, because she didn't hear anything after Newt's name. 'No..', she couldn't believe it. Newt wasn't immune to the Flare. Meaning he wasn't immune to becoming crazy, angry, cannibalistic, and more. 'Meaning he'll become...',
Y/N looked up to see how Newt was taking this, but she was shocked to see the view. He had no expression, no signs of distress or disbelief, only a stone face with emotionless eyes.

Thomas spoke up first, his voice cracked and hurt.
"Slim yourself, Tommy," everyone at the table looked between Newt and Thomas, shocked to hear the cold tone in the tall blond's words.
"Slim myself?", Thomas shot back forcefully, "That old shank just said you're not immune to the Flare! How can yo-."
"I'm not worried about the bloody Flare, man," Newt cut Thomas off harshly, his cold eyes glaring at Thomas.
"I never thought I'd still be alive at this buggin' point - and living hasn't exactly been so great anyways." Thomas just sighed and forced a smile, replying, "If you're okay with slowly going crazy and wanting to eat small children, then I guess we won't cry for you". Newt nodded swiftly and looked away. Y/N still had wide eyes, not believing the behaviour of the boy beside her. She made eye contact with Minho, asking him silently, "Why is he okay with this?" Minho just silently sighed and shrugged, turning back to his food, Y/N copying his actions.

By this time, Janson had finished his list and was now over seeing the crowd of broken teenagers. The E/C eyed girl lifted her head at the sound of sobs. She looked around to see, at another table, a young girl crying and her friends comforting her. Another table held a group of boys that Y/N didn't recognise, they were all patting two boys' backs as they stared solemnly at the rest of the group. 'Milly,' the H/C haired Glader stood up from her seat to get a better look for the small blonde. She couldn't see her. Even with the small group of teens, Y/N couldn't find Milly anywhere. The older girl sat back down, leaning over the table to Thomas.
"Thomas. Was Milly called out? Did you hear?", she asked, her voice laced with panic. Thomas was about to answer when Y/N heard a cry from behind her. Milly rammed into the girl's side, sobbing and gasping for breath as she cried upon Y/N.
"Milly...", Y/N took the young girls sobs as a sign that confirmed her fears, "I'm sorry, Mil. I'm so sor-".
"Why him, Y/N? Why did it have to be my brother? My only family?" The older girl stopped in place, staring over at Newt in recognition. 'She doesn't have it...',she breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body sagging from tensing. Y/N started patting the young blonde's head, calming her down.
"I don't know, Mil... I really don't know".

At this, Y/N made eye contact with Newt, gulping as she still saw his emotionless face. But his eyes were different; they weren't cold or stony, they were full of emotion, just like they usually were. Sadness, anger and defeat clouded his deep, brown orbs, emotionally breaking Y/N's heart. 'Why did it have to be him?', she asked herself, tears welling up at the thought. Out of all the boys in the Glade, why did the kindest, brightest and loveliest boys have to be a non-immune? It just wasn't fair. 'Well.. As they say', Y/N thought bitterly, still keeping eye contact and rubbing Milly's back, 'Only the good die young.'

"Alright, children!", Janson broke the atmosphere with his loud and booming voice, "I'm sorry for your troubles, but right now, we must move on to the final stages." The rat-faced man walked from the centre of the room over to another set of double doors, the opposite side of the room from where everyone usually entered.
"If you will please follow me and my men, we will lead you to the Swipe rooms. Please do so in an orderly fashion, we don't want broken bones or anything too serious." Nobody questioned it, only stood up quietly and filed out the doors. Y/N's table was the furtherest away so her group were the last to leave the room. The H/C haired Glader still held a sniffling Milly close to her side as they walked through the doors.
"I'm sorry about before, Tommy. Just a little... fazed by the Flare, I guess," Y/N heard Thomas and Newt conversing behind her. The girl smiled slightly, happy that the old Newt was still in there, still fighting to keep sane. 'But he'll have to give in someday...', the E/C eyed girl thought sadly, her smile fading. She shook her head in determination, 'Stop thinking like that! He won't give, and he won't die. I won't let him. I won't give up on him.' As they passed through the final doors to another corridor of rooms, the girl murmured, "Never..."

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