14. Trauma

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Y/N and Newt walked back into the Right Arm's Head Quarters with their fingers still intertwined, small and content smiles on their faces. Y/N closed her eyes as she leaned into Newt, only now realising how tired she actually was. 'Guess waking up in the middle of the night wasn't the smartest move, huh?', she thought tiredly, but the smile still remained on her face as her and Newt scaled the stairs to their rooms. Newt, being taller than her, looked down at his angel and his smile broadened. He found her tired state quite cute. So he leant down to kiss the top of her head as they reached the floor their rooms were on, not feeling the slightest bit embarrassed. Because she was finally his, and he was hers, and he wasn't going to let her go anytime soon.

Suddenly, a door in front of them crashed open, revealing six figures in the shadows. Y/N didn't have time to react before she suddenly felt arms wrap around her waist.
"Y/N!" Milly cried out, her small arms wrapping tighter around the older girl's waist. "You're safe, I'm so happy!" Y/N got over her shock and pulled the small blonde closer to her. She didn't say anything in return, now feeling guilty for nearly walking away from Milly. 'From them all', she thought regretfully. The small blonde pulled away from the E/C eyed girl at the sound of someone clearing their voice. Both Y/N and Newt turned their heads to see Vince moving out from his hiding place behind Minho, Brenda, Thomas, and Jorge. The bulky man came to stand before the two, his face hard as stone and his stare cold as ice. Y/N would've coward back, had she not felt Newt's warm hand squeeze hers gently. Whether he did it to comfort her or himself, she didn't know. But she didn't falter with Newt's hand in hers, even as Vince stared her down intimidatingly.

"You're back." the H/C haired girl didn't expect those words to come out of his mouth, her mouth slightly forming an 'O' shape in shock. Vince noticed her shock, and so decided to ask, "Why did you come back?" Y/N turned her head to the left to meet Newt's brown eyes, a small smile forming on both of their faces.
"I was a little...lost." the girl replied, turning her head to face Vince again. "But I know my way, now." Vince's piercing stare was pinned onto Y/N, then it flickered to Newt, then down to their interlocked hands, before returning to meet Y/N's gaze. All he did was nod in approval before speaking again.
"Good. Because we have plans to discuss."

The Right Arm leader then walked passed Newt and Y/N, and walked down the stairs. Y/N and Newt looked at each other in confusion before looking back at their friends. They all looked confused as well, but Minho shrugged and started walking towards the stairs to follow Vince. But before he walked down, he stopped by Newt and whispered, "About bloody time, ya shuckface." Newt's usually pale face became slightly red as he pushed Minho in a playful manner, earning the blond boy a cheeky smile and a laugh in return. Newt just rolled his eyes before turning to walk down the stairs.

The group followed Vince into the meeting room that they'd met in earlier. But this time, they weren't met with people sitting in chairs. The group was instead met with only two other people - Lawrence and a blonde woman no one recognised.
"Please," Vince said, "have a seat." As he spoke, he gestured to the seats around the table, and the teenagers followed his suggestion. 'Sounded more like an order than a suggestion...' Y/N thought bitterly as she took a seat in between Newt and Minho. 'I mean, what other choice do we have?' Milly sat on the other side of Newt, while Thomas, Brenda, and Jorge sat opposite to the rest of their friends. Vince took his usual seat at the head of the table, but Lawrence and the lady remained standing behind Vince's seat.

It stayed silent for a while before anyone spoke.
"After today's meeting," Vince spoke up first, leaning forward onto the table, "we discussed our attack plan and decided that... using you as a weapon after we defeated W.I.C.K.E.D. made us no better than W.I.C.K.E.D. themselves." Y/N, although was neutral on the outside, was fighting a mental battle of fear inside of herself. Newt saw her tense at Vince's words from the corner of his eye, and so moved his hand to intertwine his fingers with his angel's under the table. He squeezed Y/N's smaller hand tightly, hoping that he brought her some comfort as Vince continued.
"So... we came up with a different plan. Lawrence." At his leader's command, Lawrence stepped forward so that the light shone on him more brightly. Y/N saw the unidentified lady step forward as well, but still standing a metre or so behind Lawrence as he spoke.

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