11. Cries and Captures

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The next morning, the group going into Denver didn't waste anytime in leaving. Everyone rose early, packed gear, were handed fake IDs from Jorge, and then set off. Before they left, Minho came up to Y/N and asked her, "You sure you don't want to come along? I mean, you're Immune, too. So...". The H/C haired girl just shook her head slightly, a small smile spreading on her face.
"Nah, I'll only weigh you down. Besides...", Y/N looked behind her to see Newt talking quietly with Thomas. Minho saw a sad expression fall upon her face , a sad look glazing over her eyes before turning back to him.
"Someone's gotta keep him company. Might as well be me...", Minho just nodded and sighed, understanding where she was coming from.
"Fine, as long as that's what you really want...".
"It is, Minho. Just look after Milly for us, please...". The Asian boy smiled brightly and hugged his dear friend.
"Don't worry...", he whispered honestly in her ear as he hugged her, "We will. Even if it means our lives". And with that, Minho, Thomas, Milly, Brenda and Jorge all left the Berg, walking towards the wall of Denver.

Y/N sighed and looked around to see the remaining tall, blond boy sitting down on a couch that was in the hangar. The E/C eyed beauty decided to sit down with him, and try some conversation.
"So...", she muttered awkwardly, her fingers fiddling with themselves.
"So...", Newt copied, his voice dull and emotionless.
"What do you wanna do?"
"Come on, we gotta do something! Anything at all!"
"I said nothing, Y/N..."
"Because I'm not in the mood, OK?!", this was his breaking point. He stood up and turned to shout in Y/N's face. Said girl's face was in one of shock, fear and sadness. She didn't mean to  cause him distress! All she wanted was to talk. To him. To the old him. 'But I guess that that's not gonna happen anytime soon...'. Y/N dropped her head from Newt's raging gaze, casting her eyes to the floor.
"Fine...", Y/N said emotionlessly, standing up and walking out of the room as quickly as possible, still hanging her head low. Newt shook himself when he saw Y/N get up and leave, a sad and depressed look covering her beautiful face.
"Y-Y/N, I'm sorry. I-"
"I said it's fine, Newt", she replied more sternly than before, not stopping to look at him as she spoke. She left the hangar without further interruptions, a tear or two sliding down her face, all unseen to Newt. 'No...', the blond boy thought sadly, as he sat back down on the couch with his head in his hands. 'No, it's not fine... Nothing is ever fine, nowadays...'.

Y/N hurriedly wiped away her salty tears, as she walked briskly throughout the humungous Berg.
"What was I thinking...?", the upset Glader asked herself, berating herself for the dumb move. "Why did you have to push his buttons?! You know he's got issues right now, and yet you still pushed him past the breaking point! What a stupid shuckface I am..." Y/N reached the room she woke up in and laid down on the table she had been sleeping on for 3 nights. She laid her back down against the cool, steel table and faced the roof, her right forearm covering her forehead.
"Why...?", the Y/N asked herself, tears coming to her eyes. "Why us? Why now? Why must the world be this way? Why must people be this way? Why is Newt, the kindest, bravest, selfless and most caring person I recall, being tortured?" By now, tears were rolling down her S/C cheeks, rolling down her neck and onto her 'bed'. "It's just not fair!", Y/N cried out as she banged her hand down onto the steel table beneath her, her hands then moving to cover face. "It's not fair! It's not! It's not..."

Hysterical crying sounded throughout the room, a few gasps and sniffs sounding  here and there. Y/N was curled up in a ball on her 'bed', one hand wrapped around her brought-up-to-her-chest legs, and the other hand covering mouth and trying to muffle her pitiful cries. In all her hysteria, a square piece of paper fell out of one of her pockets. Her cries ceased as she noticed it fall on the table she was on, the stark white contrasting the deep grey coloured steel. She sniffed a few times before sitting back up again to retrieve the paper. Before she picked it up, she recognised the square shape, and how it was slightly dirty and crumpled from travelling from place to place. A little ripped, but still intact. And a few blood spatters covered the side facing up to her. More tears came to her eyes as she remembered whose paper this was initially. 'Colum...', the H/C haired girl thought sadly to herself. She was given the piece of paper in her brother's last moments, telling her to bring them all home. She had completely forgotten about the paper until a few days ago when she had the nightmare about her brother. But she daren't open it yet, afraid that she'll just be upset even more because it'll reveal something heart-wrenching. But now... 'I gotta do it sometime sooner or later, right?'. So Y/N gulped before pinching the folded piece of paper. She took a deep breath before starting to flip the folds. One by one, slower and slower than the one before, the folds of the paper were unfolded until a full image could be seen. The image was of 5 people. 2 females and 3 males. One male looked older and same with one of the females. The two stood in casual clothing behind the remaining 3. The 3 sat at the adults' feet and were smiling brightly up at Y/N.

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