"Is there something wrong? You can tell me." He wiped my tears.

"Aren't you disgusted? Aren't you gonna make fun of me?" Jason tilted his head in confusion.

"What makes you think I'll do that?"

"Because that's what he did."

"He? Who he?"

"My crush. When I was twelve I had a huge crush on this guy; remember how I told you I was raised without a mother." He nodded his head. "I didn't have a mother, if I had I wouldn't have to go through that embarrassment. If I had my mom, she'd probably warn about the changes I had to face growing up but I had no one. Even though I had Nana she wouldn't tell me much about those growing up stuffs, she thought I was too young for it." My sobbing started increasing as I remember that scene. 

"If she had just warn me about it, I wouldn't had to face that embarrassment. I got my first period when I was in school, I had no idea what was happening or I had a blood stain. I was just walking casually to my class when I heard people laughing at me. I thought not much about it and walked until I saw my crush, I waved at him and dashed towards him with a happy face. What I didn't expect was the disgusted look and the push he gave. He told, what a dirty pig I was and how he didn't want me anywhere near him."

"Everyone in the school made fun of me but what hurt me the most was when my only friend, whom I used to call my prince charming made the rudest remarks. That day after I went home, I stayed in my room for two days and cried all by myself. Till this day whenever I get period I remember that scene and lock myself in my room, scared I'll get bloodstain and be the source of their laughter once again. My Nana said I should grow up, it was in the past but I can never forget those rude comments, sniggers and looks."

I felt Jason wiped my tears and leaned his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry for whatever you had to go through but trust me no one is going to treat you like that here. Everyone is mature and knows how to act at those kind of times. If you find yourself in that situation again my members would stand forward to help you, not mock you, I promise you that. If it makes you comfortable I'd assigned a lady you're comfortable with, to be by your side."

"You don't have to be sorry, it wasn't your fault. And thank you for being so thoughtful but I don't wanna burden anyone."

"You're anything but a burden princess. You are higher than anyone here and it is our duty to make you feel at your best."

"Higher than anyone? Even you?" I joked sniffing but he was not joking.

"Yes, princess. Higher than me, you are the most superior person in the family, you're a princess, my princess for a reason." I looked at him in a shock as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "I'll make your crush pay for it, for every single tears he made you wept. Nobody gets unpunished after making my princess cry."

The way he said those words looking straight in my eyes, I can't help but feel shiver ran down my body. He was not bluffing that's what I can say from the tone he used, it was more of a promise. I might never forgive my crush for doing that to me but I don't want Jason taking life of kids. I hate to say this but I rather see him in blood of his enemies than innocent citizens.

"No, violence Jason. Plus, he was kid, he didn't know how to handle the situation and it was a long time ago." I dragged the term 'long', to emphasis there was no need for him to go all ape on the poor guy.

"You're taking his side after whatever he did. It might be long time ago but still whatever your crush did was a sick, immature and childish move. I can't understand how did you even fell for a jerk like that?" I can't help but notice the change in his tone while talking about him.

"I'm not taking sides Jason, I just don't want you to do something irrational because of me. And remember I was twelve that time, he acted immaturely because he was a kid." I tried to put some sense in him but he just muttered something to himself.

"C'mon Jason what kind of ferocious gang leader you would be if you started going around killing an innocent kid. You are a man and a real man only fights with someone of his level not some immature kid. What kind of reputation would I have in the society if you go around picking kids." Jason chuckled at my last statement.

"I won't. If you don't want me to use violence, I won't but you can't stop my hostility towards your crush and Nana." I scrunched my brows at his remark.

"My Nana, Why? She's a nice lady and she hasn't done anything."

"Exactly, princess that's the thing she hasn't done anything. And nice, what nice nanny leaves her child on it's own to deal with their problem. If she was even a bit nice, do you think she would tell you to just grow up and forget that event? No! And if she was nice, she would have told you about everything a girl had to go through her puberty. Hate to say this but your Nana is one of the most ignorant human ever known to humankind. She is your nanny, it's her duty to care for you at her best. If I was chosen to care for you I think I'd do so much better than her."

"You're saying this because you don't know her like I do. And honestly if you were to play my Nana's role who'd run the family." Jason just scoffed at my reply and turn to the side. I cupped his face and turn it towards me.

"I am a Mayor's daughter Jason, people have high expectation from me. My Nana has always warned me about the people that have eyes on me just to bring my father down, so she would teach me everything and anything to be the perfect daughter. She wants me to grow up into a lady who doesn't have any flaws, someone who is strong to take on anything thrown at her. Unfortunately for her I was a wimp who cried about smallest of things, she is harsh towards me not because she wants to but, because she doesn't have a choice."

"Still it doesn't justify her to treat you that way. There are so many ways to teach you to be a tough lady and she choose what? Cruelty."

"Cruelty? No Jason, she wasn't that harsh with me. You're misunderstanding."

"Really? I'm misunderstanding." I nodded in reply. "So tell me when you were crying, did she ever come to you and listened your problem, hugged and comfort you like a mother should?" I opened and closed my mouth every time I thought I was ready to answer but nothing came out.

"But she isn't my mother." I lowered my gaze, replying in a whisper.

"But she is your Nana, isn't she? She was hired to care for you and support in your hard times not leave you alone."

"Can I ask you something? When you were being trained to take the gang were you always treated with softness?" 

"Don't bring me into this, princess? I had a gang to run and you know there's no kindness in the gang world."

"And you think the world outside mafia is all about kindness. Jason you've seen the world better than me, so you should know how it is for a coward like me to survive this world. My Nana wants me the best, it's just her way of caring." Jason rubbed his face roughly and sighed loudly. He looked at me with a smile.

"Aren't you hungry?" Changing topic I see, but I wasn't complaining.

"Starving." I rubbed my tummy with a pout.

"Let's get you eat something." Jason picked me in his arms and walked out of the room.

"Can you make the spinach pesto spaghetti that you made with Marcus last time?" Jason frowned at my request.

"Spaghetti? For breakfast?"

"Yeah, I tend to crave for crazy things at really unsuitable time when I'm on period."

"OK! If the princess wants spaghetti, she gets spaghetti." I giggled, nuzzling my face on his nape.

"You know I'm kinda happy you came into my life. I've always wanted to be treated like a little kid; being carried around, fed and all that. However Nana wanted me to grow up soon and be independent, so I couldn't fully enjoy being a kid. Thanks to you now I can experience how it really feels to be a kid even If it's a little late." I felt him kiss my temple.

"Just to tell you something princess, you're perfect the way you are. Sometimes your flaws can turn out to be your biggest jewel, so don't try to get rid of it. You might think your innocence is your weakness but I think it's your charm that captivates everyone towards you." I smiled, taking in his scent and let my eyes droop.

The Gangleader's Little PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora