Settling In // Chapter 25

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'Danni be more quiet next time' Nordan tells me when I walk into the kitchen of the new house
'Shut up haha' I say lightly slapping his face
'Reminds me of the first day you and Lucas started dating' He says
'Shut upppppp' I say yet again

Lucas walks in wearing long shorts with no shirt.

'Heyyy me and Danni were just talking about how you two fucked last night' Nordan says
'STOP NORDAN' I yell at him, laughing
'Hey I mean, it was pretty good' Lucas says, winking at me
'Did you use protection this time?' Nordan questions
'Yep that was the first thing I packed' Lucas says
'Good for you two...I guess' Nordan  says, freaked out

I walk back into the empty room where Lucas and I slept to get some fresh clothes on. I packed only 2 outfits so hopefully the rest of our stuff will be here eventually.

What I had packed was a plain black t-shirt and some light ripped jeans, perfect for this hot weather I guess.  I slip them on then walk back to the kitchen by the guys again.

'Yo Apex just texted!' Jakob says
'Dank what did he say?' Lucas says with a mouthful of cereal
'He will be moving into this house in the next week or so' Jakob says
'Broooo that's dope' Lucas says while laughing
'More pranks am I right' Jakob says, responding
'Apex seems cool, I don't think I've met him but I've watched his videos' I say
'All you need to know is that he's short asfuck' Nordan says, putting the gfuel back into the cardboard box we brought all the food in
'Thanks for the heads up' I say
'Anyone up for shooting a video?' Lucas asks
'Me!' Jakob says
'Sure lol, have nothin else to do' I reply
'I will-if you tell me what it's gonna be about' Nordan says prominently

Lucas walks over to the kitchen table to get some gfuel

'Guess the g-fuel flavor?' Lucas asks
'Wow you unoriginal man' Nordan says, teasing him
'Hey I can do what I want' Lucas laughs
'I'll do it' I say
'Same, let's set up everything' Nordan says

Lucas had everything in a box behind the coffee table and had everything set up in about 15 minutes.

'Lets do disss' I say, realizing everything is set up

My phone buzzes in my pocket

'Hey babe ;)'

Sent ex
Not him again UGHHH

I actually hate him

I respond hesitantly

'Don't call me that.'

'Don't be like that boo'

'Shut up and leave'

'Aye I've seen you in them FaZe videos! Pretty dope'

'Yep. Bye.'

'Heyyyy don't be like that!! You always do this!'

I click off my phone.

'So y'all ready?' I say clapping my hands after putting my phone in my on the table next to the gfuel
'Just about' Lucas says, adjusting his lights once more.
'Hurry uppp' Nordan whines like a child
'Ok now we are good. Come over here guys so I can start the vid' Lucas points to a spot in front of the camera.

Nordan, Jakob and I shuffle to our spots.

Lucas quickly runs back to the camera then back to us.

'Hey what's up you guys' etc.

'Today we are doing the guess the gfuel challenge with Danni, Jakob and Nordan!! Woohoo' Lucas says enthusiastically to the camera

'Ok first up is Nordan and Danni, you both put on these blindfolds and I'll give you both a gfuel flavor-with water added of course- and whoever guesses it right first, wins!' He explains the rules to us while talking to the camera, Jakob sits and watches while
Laughing slightly.

I put on my blindfold on, then my phone buzzes. I suddenly take off my blindfold and reach for it but it seems that Lucas has already gotten it before me.

He reads out loud

'Baby please come back and I'll make it like the good old days..wink face'


A sad expression fades over Lucases face.

'Danni what's this??' He nearly yells, staring at my phone
'Lucas I promise it's not what it looks like' I say nervously
'Then what is it Danni!' He says in an angry tone.

I see Nordan and Jakob back out of the conversation and goes to stop the camera

'My ex has been texting me!' I say
'Yes, and you've responded?!' Lucas says
'If you actually read what i said, you would realize that I turned him down, multiple times' I try calming him down
'Whatever Danni, I need to go chill out for a bit' He says, storming out of the room angrily

I stop in my steps. He left my phone on the counter so I quickly grab it and run into Nordans room-since I suppose Lucas went into his room. Nordan trailed after me once he realized where I was going.

I sit in the fetal position, crying on Nordans bed for a few minutes before Nordan finally interrupts me.

'Danni...are you ok?' Nordan asks
'Lucas does this to me a lot, I hate it....I try to explain stuff to him but he gets mad without letting me go explain anything' I say
'He has anger issues-light ones-but they are still bad. He just needs someone to take it out on which is all of us..and how much time you spend with him, it's bound to be you' Nordan says
'It's just super annoying. Lucas needs to stop this and take a chill pill sometimes. It's getting out of hand because I get depressed every time. He needs to learn that his action are hurting other people' I say, wiping the tears off my face.
'I agree with you Danni' Nordan says, snuggling me, as a friend of course.

Everytime I write Danni it tries to autocorrect to 'dank' :,)


Here's another chapter, sorry for it being like 2 days late 😂

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