Move (Road Trip Pt 4)

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{A/N: This whole chapter is about a spider. No pictures are shown or anything, of course, I'm super squeamish with that, but still~}

_JLaur_: Heyyyyyyyy

A.Burr: John, why are you texting me? We are in the same car. You are literally less than 2 feet away from me.

_JLaur_: I can't say this in front of Alex

A.Burr: Is something wrong?

_JLaur_: Remain calm.

A.Burr: ??

_JLaur_: I believe there is a small spider crawling up the steering wheel.

A.Burr: It seems there is.

A.Burr: Why can't you say this out loud?

_JLaur_: Because Alexander will flip out and make us pull over.

A.Burr: I didn't know he was arachnophobic.

_JLaur_: I don't speak French.

A.Burr: ...Yes you do...

_JLaur_: Whatever, can you distract him so we can remove the spider?

A.Burr: We are on a 4-lane interstate driving at 60 MPH sandwiched between two trucks and you want me to distract our driver?

_JLaur_: I think he'd be more likely to crash if he saw the bug.

A.Burr: Technically a spider's an arachnid, not an insect.

_JLaur_: What's the difference?

A.Burr: Insects can have a maximum of 6 legs, and spiders have 8.

_JLaur_: If I took that spider and plucked two of its legs off...?

A.Burr: It would still be a spider.

_JLaur_: Oh



A.Burr: I lost it.

_JLaur_: Lost what?

A.Burr: The spider, that was on the wheel, I lost it.

_JLaur_: Crap, look on the floor?? I don't wan it, like, nesting???

A.Burr: I'm pretty sure that would require another spider.

_JLaur_: They don't multiply?

A.Burr: John, that's GERMS.

A.Burr: Found it. It's on Alexander's shoulder.


A.Burr: 8 Legs, we've been over this.

_JLaur_: Can you get it off him??

A.Burr: Without him noticing? Probably not.

_JLaur_: Can we just casually get him to pull over?

A.Burr: I could ask him to stop at a gas station.

_JLaur_: Yes, do that.

A.Burr: He said we just passed the last one for a while.

_JLaur_: I can hear, you know.

A.Burr: It's still there, I say we just tell him.

_JLaur_: Fine. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

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