9/11 and the Paris Attacks

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Strong people

don't put others


They lift them up


A new memory started to form.

America was in a city talking with New York and New York City. They were all heading to two tall bulidings and went inside one of them.

America froze.

Oh no.


He covered his eyes.

Other countries noticed and looked at bit confuse for awhile.

But then.

They realized.

Oh no.

"So many people died, I couldn't save them. I should have been able to save them." America sadly said.

Canada put an arm around his brother, "Al, it's not your fault. You didn't know this was coming."

"Nobody did." Maria said.

NYC and New York both wanted to show Alfred their twin towers since he never been there.

"Wow guys," He said looking around, "This is pretty cool guys." 

"Trust Al," NYC said, "We know."

NY and NYC continued to talk about the twin towers.

All of a sudden they heard screams outside before the buliding shook.

"What's happening!!?!" A woman yelled. They started smelling smoke.

People started rushing to the exits, NYC and NY fell to the ground in pain. America felt a burning pain in his shoulder and it started to bleed.

He picked up his two brothers and ran outside. Once he got out and looked at the building, his eyes widened.

A plane?

The buliding was on fire.

Maybe this was just a horrible accident.

More people started to scream and he turned just in time to see another plane collide with the 2nd building.

This wasn't an accident.

It was an attack.

The New Yorks screamed in pain, America fell to his knees. He heard his people screaming, he had to save them.

Countries were covering their eyes, some were crying. They all remembered watching the news and seeing the buildings in a pile of rubble on the ground.

But as he tried to get up, he fell back to the ground in pain, his chest started to bleed.


Smoke started to fill the air.

"Guys," he coughed, "Put your shirts over your noses."

They nodded and did so,"Alfie what's happening?" NY asked scared before coughing up blood.

"I think we're being attacked,"

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