Mama Native America

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A river cuts through A ROCK
not because of its power


Native America watched as the men talked to each other privately about apologizing to America.

"Why do they even have to talk about apologizing," her son, the Aztec Empire said, "Why don't they just do it?"

She shook her head, "These men, I don't understand them."

"Mama, are you sure we can't come with you?" One of her oldest daughters asked. All of her children looked at her.

She smiled at them and cracked her knuckles, "Yes my sweet girl, I wouldn't mind all of you coming with me. But I'm afraid that if we all go we might cause great pain to them, even though they deserve it, and they would not be able to go on from it since they may live in fear of us coming back and causing more pain. I must go alone."

They all nodded.

Native America smiled and nodded, she then closed her eyes and stretched her arms out.

Light started to surround her and wind started to blow, the light completely covered her. After awhile it started to fade away. When it did, Native America was gone.

Her children could help but smirk as they thought about the scared look of their baby siblings' former colonizers when they went face to face with their mother.


As the three men talked about apologizing, a light suddenly appeared in front out of them.

"What the Bloody-" The light faded award showed Native America.

She seemed very angry.

"Oh, it's North America's mother." Spain said.

"Uh, how may we help you Madam-" France was cut off.

She slapped all three of them.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" England asked.

"You all shouldn't be here!! You should be apologizing to my children."

"That's what we're talking about." Spain said.

She frowned and slapped all of them on the cheek again.

They all took a step back from her.

"You shouldn't have to have a conversation about it!! You should just go!! My children were left alone for so long, you should be talking to them right now!!"

"With all due respect Madame," France approached her slowly and carefully, "We left them because of our schedules, we were very busy an-"

France said the wrong thing.

Native America, who was now even more pissed, dropped down and swept her leg under their feet causing them to fall back.

These former empires were now officially scared of this woman.

She stood up above them angrily. She felt tears come up as she thought about how terrifed and lonely her children were during their colony days. It had pained her to see them like that. And at the same time it had angered her, her children had been under the age of 10 and they had still been left alone for so long.

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