It's Official

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Donatello got into his laboratory to study Kirby's DNA. After a couple minutes, Kirby sat down on the couch in the living room, looking around. Leonardo sat down next to him, turning on the TV. Space Heroes started playing. Kirby seemed fascinated by this show as he watched, then he looked at Leo, who was entranced by the show. It amused Kirby. Raphael walked up to Kirby, a bit more calm. "Hey, uh, Kirby," he began, "sorry for getting all edgy on you. It's kind of a force of habit. We cool?" Kirby nodded, still being shy, but Raph could tell that Kirby accepted his apology. Suddenly, Kirby's stomach growled. "Someone's hungry," said Michelangelo as he got out a box of pizza, and offered it to Kirby. He had never had this "pizza" before. So he took a slice, and had a bite. When he tried it, it was so delicious, it was the greatest thing he'd ever tried since that time he tried a single slice of bread once. Whether it was his newfound love for this pizza, or his hungry stomach, Kirby wolfed that pizza down, until it was gone. Mikey smiled and said, "I think he likes it guys." Kirby gave a grin of satisfaction.

Suddenly, Donatello got out of his lab and spoke to Master Splinter. He and Splinter then walked to the living room where Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Kirby were. April was also there. "My sons, and Kirby, Donatello has found out something important," announced Splinter. Donatello looked at his brothers and said, "I took a look at Kirby's DNA. Not only is it apparent that Kirby was mutated by the same Mutagen that caused our mutation, but... His DNA matches our DNA." Everyone but Splinter and Donnie gasped in shock. "You mean Kirby is our long lost brother?!?!?!" Mikey asked in shock, and everyone was murmuring "brother?" Donatello nodded. Kirby then asked, "does that make Splinter my Dad?" Splinter nodded. Kirby rubbed his head as he said, "it suddenly makes more sense... The vague memories... Being in a glass bowl with 4 other baby turtles, me being the youngest... My mutation..." April was shocked. But as a reporter, she had a hunch that Kirby must've gotten lost in the sewers. "So I have a little brother?" Mikey asked. Kirby said in a happy realization, "I have a family... I have a family!" He then hugged everyone. Splinter smiled as he said, "welcome to your new home, my son."

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