A Piece from Barbara's Diary

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After Galactus consumed Earth 68, Barbara bought another diary journal to write down her experiences of being the last survivor of an extinct world with Richard. She wrote down a lot of experiences. Sometimes, she couldn't believe that all of it had happened. Tonight was one of those rare nights to write. From her diary, she wrote...

Log entry 020

I was playing with Charlotte when I got a phone call from Richard. He was alright, and so were the turtles. Seems they encountered Kevin's mom, Andrea Beaumont. And she almost killed Kirby. Thankfully Richard stopped her. But Richard asked that I hack into Cadmus online, and look for a file known as Project Batman Beyond. I was happy to oblige, and hacking into Cadmus in Donnie's lab was a piece of cake. What I found out was a total shock.

Amanda Waller had used her funds from Cadmus Labs to create a new Batman for the future. An insane concept in my humble opinion, especially since Tim is already a great successor to Bruce. But Waller decided to create a clone from scratch. This was nearly 9 years ago, 4 years before my doppelganger was murdered by The Joker. She started by collecting Bruce's DNA. She found a young couple in Gotham known as Warren and Mary McGinnis. And Miss Waller had Mr. McGinnis get a flu shot. That "flu shot" was actually Bruce's DNA, and it overrode Warren's DNA. A year later, Mrs. McGinnis gave birth to a boy with Bruce's DNA. So not only was Terry McGinnis a clone to Bruce, he was his son! Thus making Terry McGinnis the youngest half brother of Kevin and Damian! My fascination soon turned to disgust as I continued to read the information before me.

Waller wanted to have Terry endure the same psychological trauma Bruce did when he was a child. She believed that Terry witnessing the murder of his parents would motivate him to become the Batman of the future. So she made Andrea return as The Phantasm. Didn't take much persuasion. She threatened to murder Kevin if she didn't comply. I couldn't believe this! Waller was willing to murder Kevin if Andrea refused to murder an innocent couple in front of their child! I can understand why Andrea didn't want to lose Kevin, because he matters to me too. Did this make her actions justifiable? No. But I don't want Kevin to die either. He means a lot to all of us. So one night, The Phantasm was ready to murder Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis in front of Terry, to protect Kevin. That is, until our new friend Kirby stopped her from any potential murdering. Bless his heart.

I told Richard the information regarding the McGinnis Family. And with all this information, we could use this information against Waller, that way Kevin won't be harmed. So I gave an anonymous tip to Commissioner Yindel. A couple hours later, Leonardo told me that Waller was arrested on the charges of blackmail, so our little brother Kevin will be safe. Kirby told me that Andrea left for Wayne Manor to try and reconcile with Bruce and Kevin. I pray things will be amicable. Kirby did the right thing. I'm sure bright things are in store for him. And as I've typed these words, I ponder of the future. Should we tell Terry of his biological father, and his big brothers? No, not yet. Perhaps when he's ready. Until then, the McGinnis family has a new family friend in us.

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