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Kirby followed Black Cat all the way to her home. What they didn't know was that after Donnie found out that Kirby was related to him and his brothers, he told everyone in the house about Kirby. Black Cat then opened the door, letting Kirby in, and once she was in, she closed the door. She then took off her black mask, her white hair turning back into a fiery red, and her green eyes back to a twinkling blue. Kirby looked surprised at her transformation. "That's a brilliant disguise!" Kirby exclaimed. "Thanks," replied Barbara, "you should see what my Batgirl mask used to look like." As Barbara took off her gloves, her husband Richard Grayson walked in. "Hey Babs," he said, "I put Charlotte to bed. She's asleep." Barbara smiled and said, "good." She then proceeded to passionately kiss Richard on the lips. After that passionate kiss, Richard shook Kirby's hand, saying, "you must be Kirby. Nice to meet you. I'm Barbara's husband, Richard Grayson." Kirby smiled and said, "nice to meet you too." Barbara then sat on the couch and took off her boots. She asked, "hey Richard, mind showing Kirby where his family is?" Richard smiled and said, "sure, follow me bud." He guided Kirby to the dojo and slid the door open for him. "Okay guys," said Richard, "say hello to Kirby!"

Inside the dojo was Splinter, April, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. Kirby was overwhelmed with emotions. Leo was the first to speak up, saying, "hello there." The moment he looked at all of them, that's when he lost it. He burst into tears, and the first person he hugged was April. Splinter and the Turtles joined in on the hug, knowing this was hard for him. April hugged him back as she said, "it's okay..." Kirby was now happy to be with his family, even if they were different. "Welcome to our family, brother," said Leonardo. Richard stood there outside watching, happy to see this reunion.

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