What Cass Saw

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After her patrol, Cassandra decided to get some rest. The next morning, she decided to go to Richard and Barbara's house, mostly to see her boyfriend Leonardo. April had now gotten a job as a reporter for Channel 6 Gotham News with Summer Gleeson. As Cassandra went in, she saw Raphael in the living room, watching Supernatural. Raphael noticed her and said, "oh hey Cass." In Cassandra's mind, Raph was totally brash while training, making it easier for her to beat him. She closed the door behind her, and asked, "hey Raph. Where's Leo?" Raph smirked and said, "oh, our fearless leader? He's training in the dojo." Cass smiled and walked to the dojo, gently tapping the door. Leonardo noticed and smiled at his girlfriend. "Hey Cass," he said, "I was thinking of doing some sparring. Want to join me?"

"Sure," replied Cass as Leo got out two bo staffs, and gave one to her. For Cassandra Cain, combat was like second nature to her. So she barely broke a sweat while sparring with Leonardo. "You won't believe how crazy my night was," said Cassandra. "Well I'm listening," replied Leonardo. "So I was stopping a robbery at the 2nd National Bank," explained Cass as she sparred with Leo, "Two-Face was robbing it with his twin henchmen. They called themselves Phil and Bill."

"Phil and Bill?" Leo asked, baffled. "He's obsessed with duality," explained Cass, "anyway, I stopped Dent and Phil. But then Bill was going to pull a cheap shot on me. But then some guy stopped Bill. Gave him one of those pressure pinches. Turns out he wasn't human." Leonardo asked, "was this mysterious stranger a metahuman?" Cassandra shook her head no and said, "no, he actually looked like you and your brothers, only different... He wore a mask almost like Bruce's, and his right arm had bandanas that looked like yours and your brother's bandanas. And his skin looked like a certain type of green... I believe the type of green was in some DreamWorks cartoon, what's it called again?" Michelangelo opened the dojo and asked, "are you dudes talking about Shrek?" Cassandra brightened up and said, "that's the movie! Thanks Mikey. Yeah, he had a green skin that was like Shrek."

"Hmmm, another turtle huh?" Leonardo said, deciding to end the sparring, "it almost sounds strange. But I believe you Cassandra. Donatello had been telling me that there was some sort of abnormal breach a couple weeks ago. Might've brought someone from an alternate dimension. But who?" Suddenly, the front door opened and Richard Grayson called out, "hey guys, we're back from our honeymoon!" Leonardo, Cassandra, and Michelangelo got out of the dojo and ran up to Richard and Barbara as they held their baby daughter Charlotte. Donatello also got out of his lab. Cassandra, Splinter, and the Turtles all hugged the Grayson family. "It's good to see you guys," said Barbara. "We made a pink bandana for little Charlotte," said Splinter.

"Awwww, you shouldn't have Splinter," said Richard as he smiled. "Splinter, can you hold Charlotte while we get our bags?" Barbara asked as she gently handed the baby girl to Splinter as he nodded. Charlotte played with his ears, amusing him. Cassandra and the Turtles helped Richard and Barbara get their suitcases to their rooms. Cassandra then asked, "Barbara, I was wondering if you'd be willing to go on patrol with me tonight. You won't believe what I saw."

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