Magical Mishap

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Harry grunted, pushing Sirius off the bed and stretching out more in his sleep. His belly was swollen with twins, products of his magic connecting with Remus and Sirius's magic. It had been entirely unintentional for the trio to get together. Harry's magic had been unstable for awhile and the two had come over to see why he had been holing himself up in Potter Manor.

The boy had defeated Voldemort that night at the Ministry, having somehow ended up in the room with the Veil and he had cursed Voldemort who had then fell through the Veil with no way of returning. He had holed himself up about an hour after his 16th birthday and refused to allow anyone in.

Remus John Lupin was quite sure Lily and James would kill them both if the couple ever returned to life. But on the bright side, the mishap with Harry's magic had returned both he and Sirius back to the prime of their lives in their early twenties. The piece of Voldemort in Harry had died when Voldemort went through the Veil and his scar was faded almost completely.

"Ouch!" Sirius yelped as he hit the floor, waking Remus from sleep but Harry slept on with his legs thrown over Remus's abdomen. "Bloody hell... We need a bigger bed." He mumbled, knowing if he tried to sleep on the other side of Remus that Harry would get upset because he was rather clingy to both of them and demanded he sleep between them.

"You okay?" Remus didn't dare move for fear of waking their sleeping pregnant new significant other. It had been about three months and Harry had been in shock for the first month. The boy had slowly begun following Remus around for a few days, coming to him for affection or crying when he couldn't find the werewolf. It had made Moony more active and Remus slightly nervous but never denying the boy the affection he wanted, letting him curl in his lap while he reads.

"Yeah... We need to make the bed bigger though. That's the third time this week." Sirius climbed up on the bed, attempting to move Harry without waking him. He was not willing to get injured from accidentally waking the pregnant boy.

"If you'd sleep on your back like I do, you wouldn't have this problem." The werewolf was amused. "He'd just lay his upper body on you and sleep like that."

"You hush." He reached out and flicked Remus in the nose. "Dumbledore isn't happy with us still..."

"I know... He's angry that we got his guardian situation fixed, plus got Harry his lordship in place again rather than Dumbledore being in charge of Harry's Wizengamot seats. The Goblins were quite pleased to take money from Dumbledore's account to repay Harry for what Dumbledore's taken." Remus hadn't believed it until he talked to the Potter vault manager, nearly letting Moony take over to go and rip out Dumbledore's throat.

"What a horrible old man... Raising Harry like a pig for slaughter..." Sirius grunted then looked down as he ended up with a lapful of Harry who had woken up slight and climbed into his lap. "Hello there, my love." He smiled softly, stroking Harry's hair and watching him fall asleep with his head on his shoulder. Sirius leaned against the headboard, wrapping his arms around the sleepy Potter.

"Let's go back to sleep... Moony's getting agitated..." Remus sighed, moving closer and falling back asleep rather quickly which left the young Master Black to stay awake a bit longer before falling back asleep.

~Next Morning~

Harry woke up at approximately 6 AM and got up, heading to the bathroom to relieve the aching pressure of his bladder. He sighed and finished up, showering before heading downstairs to eat. The house elves made him a big breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate syrup with crushed oreos with a little bit of fudge. He devoured them followed by some sausage and eggs then a cup of hot chocolate since he couldn't have coffee. He settled into a chair in the library, reading about his family history until Padfoot came running in.

The great big black dog turned back into a panting Sirius Black who glared and grabbed Harry's shoulders. "Harry! How many times have we told you to wake us up when you get up?! We couldn't find you for over an hour!" He was yelling until he saw tears welling up in Harry's eyes and the pregnant teen pushed Sirius way before running off to find Remus.

Remus turned and caught Harry who had threw himself at the werewolf. "Shh. Shh.... What's wrong?" He had been worried before but now was downright panicking over what had upset Harry. He rocked him slightly where they stood, letting the younger male hide his face in his neck. "It's okay, Harry. You're okay now."

"Sirius yelled at me." Harry was very emotional because male pregnancies tended to cause more hormonal shifts. Remus sighed once more, rubbing Harry's lower back and listening to him sniffle. Sirius ran up, looking very ashamed.

"Harry, I'm so sorry... I was just worried." Sirius was surprised by Harry punching him in the gut before hugging him tightly. He held Harry tightly, trying to catch his breath from the wind being knocked out of him. "You have a wicked right hook, you know that?" He kissed Harry's forehead.

"If you ever yell at me again, I'll curse your bollocks off..." Harry was entirely serious, giving Sirius a scary look which sent a chill down the older man's back and Remus had to try not to laugh. Sirius nodded and let Remus steal Harry.

"Andy is coming over today." Sirius remembered. "I need to get dressed." He ran upstairs to make himself look pretty. The two downstairs just looked at each other.

"We need to talk to my parent's portrait, you know... We keep putting it off..." Harry reminded Remus, giggling slightly as the werewolf pressed his nose into the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply.

"I know... But before we do that, do you know how good you smell?" Remus's eyes were turning the gold of his wolf. "Mine..." His voice had changed to a deep, guttural sound.

"You've told me. Moony let Remus be in control." Harry held Remus's face in his hands, narrowing his eyes until Remus's usual eye color returned. "Hello Rem." He kissed the tip of the taller man's nose.

"Moony really does listen to you." It amazed Remus each time something like that happened, smiling softly. He ran his fingers through Harry's hair which was growing longer. "You should let me braid your hair."

"You can braid hair?" Harry blinked, looking confused slightly. The comment was very random and nothing to do with what they had been talking about before.

"I used to braid your mum's hair." Remus chuckled, gently drawing Harry over to a chair and sitting with the other male on a stool between his legs. He summoned a comb and a hair tie before brushing out the tangles again and braiding it back from Harry's face. Remus put the hair tie in place to hold it.

"That's awesome!" Harry smiled brightly, loving when they talked about his parents. Harry let Remus finish up his hair and grinned when Remus showed him it in a mirror. "It's so pretty." He turned and kissed Remus which once again surprised the werewolf because it was only recently that Harry was this open with his kisses.

"You're handsome, Harry." Remus pressed his lips back to young Potter's and enjoyed the soft sound that come from the other. "You're wonderful and I'm glad I get to take care of you."

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