Start from the beginning

"Next!" Boruto ordered.


"He treats us clones so rough..."

The two ran at him, but he just made them disappear too. The real Boruto had weakly walked up to him, but Iwabe just punched him away too.

"You're too easy! Reached your limit, coattail rider?" Iwabe asked Boruto. A stream of blood wrapped around his arm and you yanked him up into the air and slammed him back onto the ground. You jumped up and lifted up your leg and slammed it down onto the ground.

Iwabe gasped and rolled away before you foot connected to the ground which broke it apart

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Iwabe gasped and rolled away before you foot connected to the ground which broke it apart. Dust kicked up, rendering his vision for a few minutes. He coughed lightly. The dust blew away and you were staring at him with an impassive face.

"I'm not about to give into a guy who thinks you can do anything if you're strong." You said, spreading your legs further out in a stance to get more grounded.

"But you will. That's just what the Hokage and all the adults have been doing. They rose up using their power... and now they just decide the times have changed? If things were the same, I'd have graduated and become a ninja long ago! But unless I pass courses that have nothing to do with ninjutsu, I can't graduate!" He exclaimed. Your face dropped into a deadpan.

"Maybe... you're just really shitty at studying?" You said, slightly confused.

I don't doubt it.

Don't be mean.

He almost fuckin throttled Boruto what do you mean 'don't be mean?'

'Yeah! Be median or mode!'

Damn math nerds...

Shut up! We have a good range of jokes.

'Agreeing just cos.'

This should be a sin.

Guys you're going off tangent.

'These puns are right in my domain.

Be rational y'all.

Why do I even put up with you people anymore.

"So what?!" Iwabe exclaimed back.

"You're taking your shitty anger out on the wrong person." You explained.

"What did you say?!"

"If you wanna be a ninja then you have to keep at it, regardless of how many times you fail." You explained further, running towards him and battling him hand to hand.

"Instead, you blame the times like a wimp, skip classes, and act like the world's against you!" You said, pushing him further back.

"Well newsflash you ugly fuck! You're not the only one who has issues!!" You exclaimed, running at him and spinning him around, locking both of his arms in a nelson and hugging him close to your body.

"You're so uncool ya know!"

"You're calling me uncool?!" Iwabe asked, flipping over and tossing you off like a bull. You landed and slid on your feet.

"Well if you're cooler than me that means I'm hotter than you, you pie eating turd waffle!!" You exclaimed back, standing up again.

"You asked for it!" Iwabe said as he magically grabbed a sheet and pulled in front of him. You jumped up to it and grabbed it, pulling it away only to see he wasn't there.

"What's wrong? I'm over here!" You heard him. You looked up and saw he was standing on one of the pillars. He wielded shuriken and threw them at you. You deflected them and saw him jump off the pillar and above you. You blocked his punch and did a back handspring, catching his chin with your foot and sending him flying.




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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

Scroll 4: Throw Back in Time |Discontinued|Where stories live. Discover now