4: Getting Wet

Depuis le début

"It was in my house, I took it out of the fridge just before we left."

I shrug and keep drinking. It was one of those really big bottles for sharing. Taking the hint, I pass it back to Jamie. It doesn't take us long to finish the entire bottle.

It is only when I stood up I realise not everything is right. Everything seems to spin and I notice I can't stand straight.

"Jamieee?" I say, dragging out the last letter, "Was there, eh, something in that drink?"

"Maybe," Jamie reply, winking.

I laughed, although I would've been mad otherwise. "What was it?"

"Who knows?"

"Please tell me J-J-Jamie," I beg.

Jamie stands up and approaches me. He seems to be much more steady on his feet than me. He takes my hand and while spinning me around he says, "There might've been a little bit of vodka in it."

I give Jamie a feeble slap on the arm. "You're so cheeky!"

"You're not quite drunk enough yet, I don't think."

"Do you have plans for me, Jamie Spence?"

"When did I ever tell you my last name?"

"You didn't, it was written on your underwear." I giggle, even though it wasn't actually. I can't even remember how I knew it, to be honest.

He shakes his head. "No it wasn't,"

"Or was it?"

"I don't have my name written on my underwear!"

I pat him on the head. "Whatever you say, dear."

"I think I like you better when you're sober." he says.

Jamie leads me back into the centre of the campsite. Even though it's only 12 o'clock there's a lot of people about. Wait, I'm drunk at 12? I wouldn't even be home from school at this time normally.

In my defence, I'm not fully drunk - not really.

Jamie takes us into the bar. It's pretty empty. There's an old man drinking whiskey in a dark corner. He stares at us as we walk in. I can't help but wonder Jamie's plan. We aren't 18, what does he propose to do?

Jamie goes up the the bar and asks the woman behind it a question.

"Puedo tener lo que pedí ayer, por favor?" 

The woman narrows her eyes. "Qué nombre se encontraba bajo?"


"Tienes 18 años?"

Jamie slides over some sort of card. "Desde luego,"

The woman inspects his card and then gives it back to him. She disappears for a while and then comes back with a box. She slides it over the table to Jamie. With a smile, he takes it and walks out. I follow.

"Would you like to explain?" I ask him once we leave the bar.

"I asked her for the order I ordered yesterday, she checked my name, age and I.D and then she give it to me. No big deal."

I snatch the card out of his back pocket. It was an I.D sure enough - but it wasn't his. It was his brother's. I study the picture on it. No wonder the woman believed him. Jamie and his brother almost look like twins!

"So the order wasn't yours?" I say, it sounding more like a question than a statement.

"No, it was my brother's."

The Boy With the Cigarettes in his PocketOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant