Chapter 29: The Ultimate Battle, Thomas vs the Drift King!! (FC vs. FD)

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Author's Note: I've been also waiting a while to write this chapter. Good news for my friend NG-san, because I'll be including a mix of Eurobeat and Backdraft Smiths!!!

I thought about it and, since this will be a battle between new and old (FC vs. FD), its seemed only right to include new tracks and old tracks (Eurobeat vs JPOP rock).

The Image at the top is Akina, the location of the drift kings.

This will be the last racing battle chapter I'll ever write, so this time, you'll see the true powers of what Eurobeat does to a battle. 

Please comment and enjoy!!



Keisuke's and Hiro's hands rose into the air, grabbing everyone's attention instantly.

The younger blonde spoke first, "Five!!"

The FC's headlights flipped up, and the blue Genki 7 FD's turned on.

"Four!!" Keisuke said.

Thomas keyed the ignition quickly with Ren, their rotary engines sputtering to life.

"Three!!" Hiro said.

Thomas and Ren both revved up their engines loudly, their sounds humming through the exhaust. The FC's twin turbo purring loudly next to the FD's triple rotor.

"Two!!" Keisuke said.

Thomas gripped the steering wheel, looking quickly at the blue FD next to him and back at the road ahead of him. As Ren stayed completely calm, staring out at the road ahead.

(Boom Boom Japan plays)


"GO!!!!" Keisuke and Hiro yelled.



The FC's tires screeched at a higher pitch than the FD's, before both cars flew off the line like fighter jets taking off, their rotary engines sounding like it too.

They flew past Keisuke and Hiro, making wind whistle through their hair, making the blonde locks fly.

The crowd gasped seeing how fast they accelerated.



"IKEEE (Go)! FC!!!" The mountain yelled.

Thomas floored the gas, wanting for the drift king to observe.

Someone at the starting line pointed out something, "Look at their acceleration power! They're already blurring off the line!!"

Thomas stood up straighter and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

Ren did as well, expecting his opponent to be amazing.

Ren looked out from under his platinum blonde bangs, his cold blue eyes waiting from the coming left curve, before going into a better posture and accelerating.

The FC passed the FD completely, flying down the mountain as they accelerated.

Thomas smiled.

This is it! I'm racing the drift king! The best drifter on the whole planet!!

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