Chapter 16: The FF Master of Usui

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Ryoko put down Thomas sighing,"I'm sorry kid, you can keep the fish. Kanna, lets go back."

Kanna asked,"Can I stay here for a bit dad?"

Ryoko shrugged,"Sure, just be back before sunset."

They all sat down, the girls coming over from the dock.

Thomas sat down, and was immediately asked by Hiro,"What were you thinking dude? That guy could've whooped your ass!"

Thomas shrugged, sitting in front of everyone on the wooden table,"So? I don't care."

Thomas contemplated something for a second, everyone watching him, and said,"My B12 Sentra is an FF, so I want to get a better feel for how they handle before the race on Friday."

Ayoko asked,"You guys are racers?"

Danny nodded,"Mostly Thomas, he races competitively. He's beaten the two people he's gone up against."

Ayoko's friend Anuha asked,"Whoa, do you use drifting techniques?"

Thomas nodded,"All the time."

"I've always wanted to see one up-close."

"Yeah, me too!" Her friend agreed.

Thomas put his hand on his chin and said,"Hmm. You guys see that steep hill up there?"

They nodded.

"There's one curve that is sharp enough to drift on. If you want, I can test out my FF system and show you guys my drift at the same time."

"Yeah, that'd be awesome!! My brother told me drifting is the fastest way to attack any curve!!" Ayoko said.

"Okay. Screw it, I'll take you all right now." Thomas said, his keys still in his pockets.

They all piled into Thomas' B12, all four country girls eager to see the drift.

Hiro leaned over into Thomas window,"Hey man, don't scare them too hard."

"Don't worry." Thomas said holding the steering wheel,"This old diesel SOHC engine with an outdated...everything. I can't drift fast even if I wanted to."

Thomas coughed and asked,"Girls? I need to borrow one of your phones for a second."

Ayoko passed Thomas her phone and he searched up,"Left foot braking."

Thomas nodded,"Okay, I have an idea for the technique to use. Let's get this started."

Ayoko took her phone back and said,"How long have you been drifting Thomas-san?"

"Two years." The American said climbing the moderately steep hill.

"Buckle up girls, this is gonna be rough ride." Thomas said, all girls nodding and obliging.

Thomas turned around slowly doing a 180.

Danny, Hiro, Asuo, Kanna and Mariko watched the B12 do a slight U-turn and go down the hill.

Hiro smiled,"Thomas is a downhill maniac, he's gonna scare the crap out of those girls."


Thomas pressed the gas, the long straight allowing for the crappy acceleration of the B12 to catch up.

Ayoko gripped her seat belt,"Uh...Thomas-san...aren't you going a little fast?"

Thomas shrugged,"This is very slow, this stupid dinosaur engine has no horsepower or valve timing, damn it's slow."

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