Chapter 25: Moment's Before

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(Bust the Future Wall, Clip Above Plays)

The first sign of people on Sadamine was the people who came in the early morning of the 4th.

They came in small numbers. Then in droves as night fell.

They started sitting around, talking, some began to fly down Sadamine racing to show off in front of the big crowd.

"That's the Blue Wolf!!!" A racing fan said seeing a blue Genki 7 FD drive by.

"He's so awesome!!'

Ren Kogashiwa saw a blue FK8 and said,"Damn, nice Civic..."

He parked right next to him.

Aisuke gasped seeing the Legendary Wolf of Tsubaki park next to him.

A blonde haired young man in his early twenties emerged from his car with his silver haired cousin.

"Damn, these corners look wicked, we should be able to catch some wicked technique out here cousin!!" Ayuni said.

Ren shrugged,"Sure. Hey, aren't you the guy who raced the FC on Usui?"

Aisuke nodded,"Yes. He was very good, he managed to beat me."

"Well, I came all the way from Kanagawa, for one reason: to see that white FC again."

"Are you gonna challenge him?" Aisuke asked.

The blonde reached for a pack of cigarettes in his pocket,"Maybe. If he beats Satoru, then he's definitely worth my time."

"If not, then I came here to Saitama for nothing." He said flicking his cigarette on.


Hiro, Danny, Asuo, Kanna, Mariko, Senna and Ayoko all drove to the top.

"Holy crap..." Danny said,"There's a lot of people out here tonight!!"

He didn't realize it, but there were license plates stretching from all over Kanto.

"The mountain is packed with people!!" Asuo said to his girlfriend in his R34.

Mariko nodded, seeing people stacked shoulder to shoulder at hairpins.


"I wanted to ask you." The legendary blonde asked,"Who do you want to win tonight?"

The dark brown haired teen pulled his hoodie higher,"Uh... my cousin or the FC? Hmm..."

Aisuke shrugged,"Probably my cousin. That FC is clearly the underdog, but Satoru is family."

Ren nodded,"I respect that."


All three cars parked at the top, the yellow Evo, the red R34, and the red Evo stopped at the finish line, the teenagers getting out.

"Where's Thomas?" Hiro asked checking his watch,"The battle is gonna start in ten minutes."

A huge cheer blew up from the bottom of the mountain.

The Shooting Stars had arrived, the two cars making a huge cheer rise as they passed.

"We all love you Satoru!!!" 

"Saturday is Satoruday!!"

Satoru ignored the enormous amounts of fans who came to see him cheering, and thought to himself.

That FC is the only thing on my mind. These fans of mine are nothing but distractions.

"Oh my god." A girl said,"Satoru is so hot!"

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