Chapter 3: Satoshi's Vengeance

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"Ugh!!" Hiro said fanning himself, "Why is it so damn hot??"

"Thomas!!" Danny complained, "When is that AC going to be fixed?"

"Just a few more minutes. You know this would all go by a lot faster if had given me better tools!" Thomas said twiddling his screwdriver on it.

Thomas finished and put it on the old table in their hangout room.

He flicked a few buttons and it released a wave of cold air, cooling the stuffy room.

The Boys: Ahh....

Hiro took out a tray of sodas, and put them on the table, "I brought some cold ones, so we could all crack 'em open. Hup! Hup! Hup!"

He got one and tossed them to all of his friends, the boys chugging the grape pop.

Hiro leaned back in his seat and said, "This summer is chill as hell guys..."

"You know what would go great right now?" Thomas asked.

"Some tunes." The boys said.

"Here, let me play Everybody Loves the Sunshine on my phone." Thomas said.

Danny smiled, humming the lyrics, "Ha, only Thomas and I get this because we speak English at home!"

"Ahh, I love Roy Ayers, his music is the chillest. Even though I don't understand what he's saying, I know its peaceful." Hiro said tapping his foot along.

"There's a whole playlist here on Youtube, so we can just chill out..." Thomas said putting his feet up on the table.

Asuo looked down through the vents down at the ice skating rink, his eyes widening.

Thomas noticed this and asked, "What're you looking at Asuo?"

He kept looking and Thomas ran next to him and saw.

"Whoa...." Thomas said.

"What're you guys looking at? Uh! Dayumm...." Hiro said squeezing next to Thomas.

A beautiful blonde girl did an elegant pirouette in the air and started to skate quickly, zipping around the ice rink.

Hiro plastered his face to the dusty vent to get a better look, smiling, and thinking, 'Nice...'

"What elegant form..." Thomas noted.

"Yeah...she has such a nice body..." Hiro said.

"No man!!" Thomas scolded slapping his arm, "I was talking about her skating technique, its so smooth..."

"Who's that?" Hiro asked.

"Senna Atara." Danny said not even looking up from his phone, "Who cares, its just another blonde in the world, she's not even that hot."

Hiro stood up and walked over to him, smacking the cigarette out of his hand and saying, "She may very well be the hottest. What're you doing anyway, trying to smoke? You're 17 like the rest of us!!"

"Just trying to chill out to the maximum of my ability. Who're you my mom?" Danny said reaching for the pack of smokes in his pocket.

"Let me see that!!" Hiro said taking it out of his hand.

"Hey!!" Danny complained, "I bought those!!"

"Here's 600 Yen, that's enough for a brand this cheap." Hiro said tossing him the money, "Where do you get these anyway? You're too young to buy one legally!"

"Doesn't matter." Danny said.

"I don't want to see you with these again, okay?"

"Fine, jeez." Danny said.

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