
I wish you were here. It's my birthday today...which means in two days I will receive your letter that wishes me a happy birthday. You will have sent it a few days ago, I know that. However, it is sad that I know I will not get the letter today.

So in advance of your letter – Thank you very much for your kind words. I am laughing.

Hamlet is a ball of fluff and fun.

We confiscated £600 worth of cannabis yesterday. Hamlet found it. I am immensely proud of him, and he was so happy that he found it – he was happy with his treat afterwards. I gave him his favourite food for dinner too.

I'm going out with my colleagues for dinner too. I don't expect any acknowledgement from my parents – especially since our wedding.

I got a card from your sister yesterday. It was very sweet.

I am sorry this is so short, but as weeks go this one hasn't been all that interesting. I miss you.

I hope that leak in your camp's roof has been fixed! It sounds like it's been a terrible few days! Let me know.

I miss your happy smile,
Charlie x

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