Happily ever after

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<< Reid's point of view>>
<< the morning after the wedding>>

Oh my goodness I have a horrible headache. I think I may have had to much to drink.
" Reid?" JJ said as she walked into the room.
" hey you, how are you feeling?"
" I'm, im perfect. Actually I've never been happier." JJ replied " are you okay?"
" I am so happy. Despite this horrible headache, I've never had a better feeling. " I haven't, really. I'm so happy. I got her, she loves me. I just want to know what happened after the reception last night. " wait, why are we whispering" honestly, I didn't realize I was until JJ started.
" Hotch, Emily, Garcia, and Morgan are still asleep. " she said. " we had a crazy night last night. Don't worry, they're in the guest rooms. "
" wait, where are we?" I asked. I knew it wasn't my house, it wasn't JJ and wills either ( that would've been real awkward. )
" oh I worded that weird. We are in one of the guest rooms. We are at Hotchs house. I'm pretty sure Garcia ended up in Jacks crib, and Morgan is on the couch. " she continued. " Rossi took the other guest room. "
" how did we end up here?" I honestly have no memory of that. " and what am I wearing?" I look down and see my stomach and then some bright green gym shorts, and I know for a fact I don't own these.
" oh. Well we were dancing and drinking until about midnight. Then we went to a park and took a nice walk. After that we drove here. Um *laughs* when we got back here we uh didn't stay in our wedding clothes very long. Things happened * we gonna keep this appropriate 😂* and after we were done, Hotch gave you some of his old clothes. And i borrowed some of his dead sisters" JJ explained to me. I remember things after we got here, and now I can remember getting the clothes, and I remember certain sounds * again we are keeping this appropriate *.
" Spence I have to ask you something." She sounds worried. " Will gave up his parental rights to Reed. I don't know why exactly, but I do know that he needs a father Spence. If you're not up to it then please. Don't feel obligated. " wow. Just wow. I always thought of Reed as a son, but I would never take that away from Will.
" JJ, Reed will always be my son. I will make that official when ever you would like. But first, we need to take a trip." I want to stay as traditional I can, with this untraditional situation.
" good morning newly weds. " Morgan said. " or should I say bad morning. I didn't get a second of sleep last night. Because it wasn't very quiet. * make what you want with that statement*.
" sorry " JJ and I say at the same time. We knew he was talking about us.
" now Spence, let's plan that trip"
And then..
We lived...
happy ever after!

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