The discussion

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<< 3 days later >>

" So, Hotch, how did your magical date go last night?" Reid asked in a sarcastic tone of voice.
" for your information, it was perfect. We actually went to the park afterwards and had a nice walk." Hotch replied " when are you going to ask her"
" I'm not, she doesn't love me. I found her on Facebook and she's in a happy relationship" Reid said as a tear rolled down his cheek.
<< JJ's point of view>>
" that was a long case, how did you spend your first night back?"
" well, Hotch and I had another date actually". Emily replied. " it was magical and I'm pretty sure I'm in love"
" that's, really great Em"
I really wish I knew what love felt like. I mean, I guess I love Will. I just don't see us being as happy as Emily and Hotch. Reid is cute though. I guess I've been thinking about him since I met him. He probably has a girl friend, I suppose.
" hello my blonde sugar" Garcia said as she walked into the room. " guess what we have, times up. Yeah, we have an icky case."
Of course we do. We always have a new case. Maybe that's why my relation ship with Will isn't perfect, I never see the guy.
" okay my crime fighting penguins, this one is a doozy". Garcia says as she blocks her vision of the screen. " three victims in a week all stabbed to death in their homes"
" wheels up in 20" Hotch says as he exits the room.
" gosh it's hot when he does that" Em said as she followed. It makes me sick when she does that.

( follow me on ig @paging_.dr.reid)

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