The case

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<< the plane ride>>
<< Spencer's point of view>>

Maybe I can just be her friend. She seems like the friendly type.
" hey JJ "
" hey Spence, do you see this" JJ replies as she motions towards Hotch and Emily who are sitting on the couch kissing. " I've had to hear every pointless detail of their relationship."
" you too, Hotch has been bragging since she got here"
" yeah Em calls me every night and goes on and on about him." JJ replied. " I think they'll make it though. They're cute" she was facing Spence now.
Why must she look at me? She's so beautiful. Stop it Spence she's happy.
" yep same. Did you know..."
JJ then cut me off " unless it's about Hotch and Em, I don't know anything you have to say"
We laughed together. Together, we laughed. Then she got up to go call her boyfriend. Her " loving " boyfriend as she put it.

<< the case>>
<< narrators point of view"

As the plane landed, Hotch and Emily fixed themselves and Hotch presented.
" When we land, I want Gideon and Emily to go to crime scene one. I want Morgan to head to crime scene two, and Reid and JJ to scene three" his voice was scratchy. " I'll check in at the field office". Once, the plane landed, the team departed to their assignments.
" I'm surprised Hotch didn't want Emily with him. " JJ said as her and Reid were in the car. " they seem to enjoy each others company"
" yeah. I think Hotch might want to solve the case eventually " Reid replied as a smile filled his face. The two chatted the whole way there!

Two hours later, the team gathered at the field office.
" what do we know?" Hotch asked as he winked at Emily.
JJ presented first, " Ally Greene, 34 living with her two kids and her mom. "
Reid continued on. " she was found by her mom three days ago, with 34 stab wounds all around her body. Cause of death, a stab wound to the heart. "
" thank you, and victim number two?" Hotch asked.
Morgan stood up and presented. " Clementine Folley, 27 living alone. She was found by her sister when she didn't meet at the gym. 27 stab wounds to the chest, one of which was the cause of death. "
" And victim one" Gideon continued. " Lance Preed, 45 year old male living with his teenage daughter Laura. She found him dead when she came home from school. 44 stab wounds to the abdomen and one to the heart, which was the cause of death. "
" So the signature is that he stabs the victims the amount of times their age accounts for" Prentiss mentioned.
" good catch Honey." Hotch said " everyone, interview your victims family and call me when you're all done. The families know who did this. "
" Yes...dear?" Emily replied awkwardly as she ran to catch up with Gideon

<< victim 3s family>>
" JJ take the lead with the mom, I'll interview the boys. " Reid said as he touched her arm.
" yeah okay Spencer" JJ walked away towards the mom. * I touched her, and she called me Spencer, I messed up. *

<< 75 minutes later>>

" the suspect is Hildon Milner" the whole team said at once.
" wait, I used Garcia to find that. How did you people come to that?" Hotch asked as he laughed.
" he was the gardener. He had shady behavior. " The rest of the team replied.

<< the team caught the suspect, proved him guilty, and returned home safely"
( follow me on ig @paging_.dr.reid )

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