Meant to be

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<< narrators point of view>>
<< right after last scene>>

Reid opened the door to find JJ there crying.
" JJ what's wrong?" He asked.

" I love you. I'm in love with you. I've always been in love with you. I can't imagine life without you. I love you so much. " JJ said as she sobbed. " I'm sorry, you probably don't love me. But I love you"
" I've always loved you" Reid replied as he held JJ.
" Reid, I know this is sudden" JJ said. " but I really do love you. And you seem to love me. Will you marry me? "
Reid let go of her. He was staring into her eyes. " Yes, I will." He couldn't believe that just happened. " only if we do it right. We have a nice wedding with just the team. "
" yeah, they're actually here now. I wanted this moment to be on camera. " JJ laughed. " come on out guys. "
" well, how about we go have a wedding?" Rossi said as he hugged the two love birds.
" I already called the garden. And got all of the services" Hotch said.
" I already took care of the dresses. JJ you have to change when we get there." Emily said as she hugged her from behind.

( follow me on ig @paging_.dr.reid)

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