The team

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<< point of view of Reid>>

I wonder where JJ is. I it's weird not seeing her here. Not that I like her. Her presence is just appreciated. Oh wait, there she is. She looks sad and worried.

<< JJs point of view>>

I have to tell the team about my baby. I guess, my relationship with Reid isn't an option. I have to be with Will now. *sigh*.
" hey everyone, I have an announcement."
They're all gathering at the conference table for me. For me, to break my heart. Not that Reid likes so at least I won't hurt him.
" I'm pregnant." Well, that hurt. The whole team got up and hugged me. I don't think Gideon has ever touched me before. But anyways, when Reid got up to me I hugged him so tight..oopsies.
" congratulations, JJ. " he said as he touched my stomach. Ahhhh why must he touch me. I'm supposed to be in love with Will.
" thanks guys, I'm gonna go home. Call me when their is a case. " I say, so I can get out of there.
<< Reid's point of view>>

Dang it. I'm in love with her. She loves will though, I mean they decided to have a freaken baby. But that hug, it was magical.
" you okay, Reid?" Hotch asked me.
" why wouldn't I be?" I'm just in love with a taken woman. " how are you and Emily?"
" we have never been better. She's meeting my nephew this weekend. Haley would've wanted him to have another mom. I know my sister" Hotch said as he stopped Emily in her Tracks. I decided to walk away after that. I don't want to see more of their relationship. Maybe I should go see JJ. She's probably with Will though. Ug I should've kissed her the second I met her.

( follow me on Ig @paging_.dr.reid)

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