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" Hi, I'm Jenifer well people call me JJ but only my friends. I haven't met you yet but you look friendly so, I suppose you can call me JJ. Haha all the other agents on this team can too. You're the first one I've met though. " The beautiful, blonde, and sweet new agent said as she approached the first man she came to.
" You're nervous." The man said.
"H-how did you know?" Jenifer asked.
" You stuttered. You also moved your eyes left and right approximately 12 times while introducing yourself, while the average calm person would only move them about four to five times. " the man continued. " I am not judging, though. My name is Spencer Reid and I work for the BAU as a profiler." The tall, charming looking man then stood up and shook the new girls hand. Their eyes instantly met, and he noticed that she had two different eye colors.
" I should probably meet the rest of the team. I think we have a case. " JJ said as she walked away. Reid glanced at her as she walked her majestic walk, but he then turned away.
" she's a cutie Reid." A deep voice said. " and I think you knew that already." The man was a short average sized man. His name was Gideon, Jason Gideon. He had always given Reid a hard time about his way with the ladies.
" I mean, she's kinda pretty. " Reid replied as his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. Before Gideon could yell out a comeback, JJ began calling all of the team into the conference room.
" okay guys we have a case in California. We leave in 30 minutes. " the team departed the room and began packing. " hey Spence, I just wanted to thank you for talking to me on my First day. "
" welcome to the team" Spence replied awkwardly as he left the room. " you idiot" he thought once he left the room.
" having some regrets Reid?" A tall man said from behind.
" was that out loud Hotch?" Reid asked in a panicky tone. " I was just thinking that I should've eaten breakfast. " the redness in his cheeks was returning.
" Reid, we are both profilers. You are also the smartest guy in this place. Do you really think you can fool me? I just wanted to let you know that you may want to get on it. I heard she's seeing a detective named Will. " Hotch said as he walked away. He had always been the more serious one, but he knew how to give good advice.

Twenty minutes passed, and the whole team had boarded the plane. " who's the other new girl, Hotch?" Spencer asked. " you keep staring at her".
" her name is Emily Prentiss, and she's well, amazing." Hotch replied as he redirected his eyes to Reid. " don't judge me, at least neither of us are in a relationship." Reid didn't know if he should believe that JJ was seeing someone. " we have a date when we get back. Our fourth date, actually." Hotch said in a bragging tone. " I'll tell ya how it goes, pretty boy ".

( follow me on ig @paging_.dr.reid )

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