The best day of our lives

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<< JJs point of view>>
<< wedding day!!>>

I'm finally marrying my best friend. I'm finally excited to be at a wedding, well one of mine.
" Jaydge, you look beautiful." Emily said as she brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
" thank you, do you think he really wants to marry me?" I guess I did ask him at an off time.
" JJ, he wanted to Marry you the first time he saw you. " Emily is always so supportive. I walk to the wall of flowers ( on the other side was where they were going to marry). I could hear Morgan and Spence on the other side talking.
" I can't believe I get to marry the love of my life. " Reid said as he cried ( yes I could tell he was crying. )
" I'm happy for you kid. JJ is really happy too. " Morgan replied. I am really happy. I'm so so happy. I can't wait to marry my Best friend. Speaking of that, I think I should probably get ready to go.
" JJ, I got ahold of Will." Hotch said as he handed me another bouquet of flowers. " these are from him. He knew you were in love with Spence. "
He knew. I was that obvious. Reid must've known too. Well, that got me here.
" he also wanted me to give you this" Hotch handed me a piece of paper. " after the wedding, he went to his attorneys office and got this signed." I looked at the paper and tears immediately filled my eyes.
" he gave up his parental rights to our son?"
" yes, he said that Reed deserved a perfect family. And he knows that, well Reid is perfect for you. " Hotch said as he walked away " congratulations Jennifer"

I didn't even know if Reid wanted kids. We have never talked about it. And as of now, Reed doesn't have a father.

" JJ it's time. Come on you beautiful goddess" Penelope said as she guided me to the walk way.
It's time JJ. You're marrying the man of your dreams. The music is playing. Okay good job, you're walking. Okay don't trip. As soon as I get to Reid tears of joys are already coming down my face.
" guess who got ordained my beautiful wedding wallabies" Garcia said as she jumped up to the platform. " so, Reid say what you wanna say to her. "
I didn't think he would say much. He's been engaged to me for like six hours.
" JJ. I've been in love with you since I met you. And I will be until the day I die. "
Now it's my turn. Okay JJ just say what you feel.
" I love you to the moon and back" oh yea that's not cliche at all. " Reid, you don't understand. I'm so glad we are together now. Until the day I die. " That was easy. I've felt this way since I looked at him.
" okay boy wonder, you may kiss the bride" Garcia says. I've never seen a smile so big.
Just as that thought left my mind, I was kissing my husband. It was like a Hallmark movie. I then hugged him so tight I think I pulled a muscle, oops.
As the day turned to night, we were never happier. Everyone was dancing together, and singing along to the music Morgan put together. Honestly, was the best night of my life.
It was the start of us <3

(Follow me on ig @paging_.dr.reid)

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