The big day

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<< Reid's point of view>>
<< one hour until wedding>>

Today the love of my life is getting married. But, not to me. She's happy though so maybe I should be too. She did ask me to assist in the " walking down the aisle " task. She called me her best friend. I mean, she is clearly mine.
" you ready Spence?" JJ asked me. She came out in a beautiful white dress with lace all around.
" JJ, you look so perfect. " well maybe that didn't sound as obvious as it did to me. " and yes I'm ready. The other guys are around back"
" great. I'm ready too. " she said as he went to find the others.

<< JJs point of view>>

He said I looked perfect. But in reality he does. He always does. JJ you are marrying will. Please stop. But I think I know what my brain is telling me, I'm in love with Spencer Reid.

<< Reid point of view>>

" okay everyone we walk out in three minutes. After that we stand behind the brides maids oh JJs side" Hotch says as he moves all of us. He wants us in perfect positions. " JJ wants all of us up there. We are her family. Look like it"
It is time now. To walk down holding her left arm. Holding it to give her away to some other guy. Another guy she's in love with.
" ready everyone?" JJ asks. As she steps in the middle of us. " I love you guys. I just want you to know that"
I love you to JJ. The words can't come out of my mouth. I mean the others said it just fine. Then when I think it's to late she turns to me and hugs me. Tight. Really tight. And I hug her back. Really tight. I love her.

<< JJs point of view>>
I love him!!

<< Reid's point of view>>
Time to do this. As we walk down the aisle, Wills body gets bigger, and closer. I think I'm crying. Hopefully people think it's from happiness.
We take our spots behind the girls and listen to the vows. Will goes first.
" JJ I love you with all my heart. You're so amazing. You're beautiful and I can't wait to expand our family. I can't wait to grow old together, I just can't wait.. for us. " oh goodness now it's JJs turn. I don't think I can listen, not that I have an option.
" Will, I-I - I'm sorry" JJ runs. She runs out the doors and I can hear her car pulling away. The whole chapel is quiet. Will broke down, and his grooms men were comforting him. JJs mom was so embarrassed. The team and I decided to leave the chapel and to find her. We went back to the BAU. We each called her twice , we checked her home, her mother's home, and we tried tracking her phone.
" she's a profiler, she's not dumb. " Rossi said as Garcia tried to track the phone again. Wait, something isn't right ( Reid thinking ). Hotch and Emily rode with us, but they aren't here. Maybe they're talking in Hotchs office? I should probably make sure they're okay.
" Hotch I'm so worried about JJ. " I could hear Emily say
" honey I know me too. " Hotch replied. I could see now and all I could see is then hugging. One of those magical married people hugs. I returned to the rest of the team. Shortly after,Hotch and Emily joined us.
" what do we know?" I asked Morgan.
" pretty boy, all we know now is that JJ is gone." Those words haunted me.

( follow me on ig @paging_.dr.reid)

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