Chapter 42 ~ I'll ask the questions!

Start from the beginning

"Who was that guy?" Ventus jumped in first taking you slightly off guard. You just gaped wide eyed for a second before Kurosaki began talking in your ear.

"Only mention a name. Don't say anything else. We want to see what we can gather from him not the other way around." He ordered.

"I don't know I just know his name is Vanitas and he seems to know you," you told him. "Care to elaborate on your connection?" your folded your arms and lent against the door.

"Wha-, I- I don't know, I just met him," he defended.

"He didn't seem to think so." You pressed.

"Well I definitely can't remember him," he folded his arms too mirroring your posture.

"Ask him where he grew up?" Kurosaki told you.

"Maybe you knew him from your childhood, where did you grow up?"

"Huh?" he seemed slightly taken of guard. You just continued your interrogation stare. "An orphanage and I certainly don't remember him being there."

"What about before the orphanage?" You pressed further. His eyebrows furrowed, you could tell you were upsetting him but you needed to find out as much as possible.

"I can't remember anything from before then." He said. You sighed. This wasn't getting anywhere. You were about ready to give up when Kurosaki spoke once more.

"Ask about that doll you said he had. The one like Vanitas gave you." You thought back to the doll. You'd left it in Kurosaki's room.

"What about that doll of yours. The little blue star you carry. You told me it was important before. Why?" You softened your demeanour and so did Ven.

"I had it on me when I was sent to the orphanage. I don't know where I got it but it's a connection to my past. Where I came from so to me, it's the greatest treasure I have."


"Where are we going?" Cloud questioned as Sebastian led him, Tifa and Zexion through the school.

"Makarov's office. We're here." His voice was void of any emotion as he opened the door for them. Zack, Axel, Gray, Edward and Ryner were already scattered around the room while Makarov sat behind his desk.

"What's going on?" Tifa questioned as she stood awkwardly in the middle of the room with Cloud and Zexion.

"We believe you just got back from an off-world quest with -----. Is this true?" Makarov pressed.

"Yes," The three answered warily.

"Did anything strange happen there?" Makarov asked.

"The world itself was pretty strange," Tifa replied.

"What he meant to ask was did you meet a guy with dark hair, yellow eyes and a completely insane personality." Axel interjected before Makarov could get in.

"Yeah, a guy of that description was there," Cloud nodded.

"Knew it! Welcome to the club," Zack cheered to which Ryner and Sebastian shot him a look.

"What," Zack folded his arms in no why deterred by their stare.

"There's something suspicious going on with that guy and his fascination with ----- so we're wanting you to tell us about what happened on the quest." Makarov explained.

"If you're wanting to talk to everyone on the mission then you're missing someone," Cloud pointed out.

"-----'s not invited," Ryner told him.

"I'm talking about Ventus," Cloud corrected.

"What?" Makarov's brow rose.

"Ventus was on the quest with us. If you want to know about that guy he's probably the best person to ask. We got separated and ----- and Ventus met with the guy first." Zexion explained.

"Hold on a second," Makarov began shuffling through the paper work on his desk. "Nowhere in here does it say Ventus went with you."

"Well he did," Tifa nodded.

"Did ----- just keep him out of it?" Edward asked walking over to look at the papers.

"Couldn't have," Cloud explained. "Kyoya's a stickler for paperwork. We all had to fill in things and sign papers, Ventus included."

"This is definitely strange," Makarov scratched his head.

"I think the guy knew Ventus too. He looked familiar with him and made a comment about coming back for 'both of you',"Zexion suggested.

"The plot thickens," Axel sighed.

"Personally, the way we were led into the tower like that, I feel like he was laying a trap." Cloud added.

"I felt the same thing about our quest," Gray added.

"Hmm," Makarov pondered all the information tapping at his chin. "Alright, we're going to need to get Ventus in here to question him too. But if this guy's been trying to lure ----- into a trap, I'm thinking next time we trap him." A devious smirk grew on Makarov's lips.

A/N: Hey guys. So I sort of rushed this a little bit but I wanted to update again so oh well here we are. There's going to be one more mission before things start to go down so there's going to be another vote for characters. For this mission I'd like you to vote for one teacher and two students. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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