Chapter 42 ~ I'll ask the questions!

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"I would like you to talk to Ventus at some point today. I've got some questions to ask him but in order to remain under the radar I'm going to have you do the talking. When you've got him put this in your ear and I'll direct you what to ask." Kurosaki added before dropping his papers back on his desk before handing you a small inner ear piece.

"So what now," You asked pocketing the device and itching to get into some research.

"Now we go get some coffee," Kurosaki sighed. "I'm exhausted."

"Wait what time is it?" You looked around scanning the room for a clock.

"9:38," Kurosaki yawned looking down at his watch.

"Oh no!," you facepalmed, "I'm late to class."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Kurosaki scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"I've got to get going before people start questioning my behaviour more than they already are." And with that you ran out the door heading to your room at lightning speeds.

You managed to race around your room to get ready and get down stairs to slip in with your classmates as they were moving from one class to another. You were huffing and puffing slightly as you moved along at the back of the pack but you didn't remain unnoticed for long.

"-----, where have you been?" It was Yuna who spotted you first.

"Yeah you missed Drama," Rikku added. You were less upset about that.

"Sorry I accidently slept in," You chuckled awkwardly, willing them to buy it.

"Not in our room you didn't" Tidus spoke up as he slipped in next to Yuna. Damn why is nothing ever as simple as you want it to be?

"Yeah, I was finishing up some paperwork after a quest and lost track of time in the mission's office," You gave your best 'I'm not lying smile'. Tidus' brow crinkled and he looked like he was about to question you further but Rikku quickly butted in. Thank god for Rikku.

"That's awesome, where did you go?" she beemed in excitement.

"This little world that had a major shadow problem." You explained. "but we took care of it." You smiled. Well you sort of took care of it. Whatever weird shadowy business that was going down in that world was still there but you got rid of the excessive pull of dark energy that was causing the shadow activity to expand.

"That's so cool. I'm so pumped for a quest," she turned to Yuna, clinging on to her arm. "We so need to find a teacher to take us on one Yunie." You let out a sigh of relief as the conversation started to change and you were finally walking into class.

"Morning ------," Sebastian greeted you with a suspicious look as you walked past.

"Morning," you gave a tight grin, your relief gone. How could you forget? you mentally face palmed.

You spent the entire lesson on high alert, watching Sebastian continuously out of the corner of your eye. You were so preoccupied with his actions you were barely paying attention to Juvia and Gray at your group. By the end of the lesson your group pot of curry was unsalvageable. The sauce was like water and the meat and vegetables were frozen. Not that they had started out that way. On your way out the class, you made a mental note to consider changing groups but for the moment there was only one task at hand. You slipped out the door next to Ventus linking your arm with his. He looked up at you surprised at your sudden action.

"I need to have a little chat with you," You told him as you quickly led him down a corridor away from where the rest of the class was headed.

"Yeah, I thought so," he nodded and followed along. You had slipped in the ear piece and were surprised to find Kurosaki talking to you instantly. He directed you toward one of the deserted janitor's cupboards around the school. You stepped in after Ven, closing the door behind you. You spun around ready to start your interrogation but you were too late.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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