"It's titanium moron. And the insignia was from African diamond, beat that."
Phun knocked me in the head. The girls went crazy for his action.

"P'Phun, when will you marry P'Noh?"

Ok. That was the sign for me to leave. But that jerk of fiance pulls me towards his embrace and kiss my cheek for everyone to see!! I brushed my cheek off and frowned at him. I pushed him but he didn't let go of me.

"I had asked him to marry me now, but he refused." He pouted. Now all the girls was looking at me. I so want to kill him with my look.

"Are we just gonna stay here or gonna get some dinner?I'm starving!"
It was like i'm alive again. Pang and the gang brings me to a dreamland where everything is the colour rainbow. They were chatty like Yuri, with a giant appetite like my old gang. 
Speaking of the devil, Ohm suddenly called me during the dinner.

"You son of a bitch! Where have you been asshole! We were trying to reach you for eternity! The guys are here in your house but they said you've move out to Phun's ever since the graduation! Where are you now Goddamit?!"

I laughed hearing him. How i missed  my gangs. I told him where i was, and Ohm told me to wait for them in that restaurant. Phun said he wanted to join the reunion too but he had to drive Pang to his house first.

It was one hell of a reunion. A whole music club was there, and it was like we burned down the restaurant with us but they don't seem to mind. Music filled the atmosphere, everyone had the best time of their live.

Ohm and his sweet heart Mick was enjoying it to the fullest, and Ohm even cheering on me when he found out that i'm engaged. Film has a new girl friend, Per still stuck with his love triangle. Phun invited his friend to join the craziness, and Fi showed up a little later with a bunch of Phun's ex classmates. It was a blast!

I was happy beyond anything that night, we were partying to our heart content. But unknown to me, it was the beginning of the raining thunder...No, you were right, there's no way to shake Phun and me off, we'll always be strong. It was something beyond, a strong current that's so tiring and sometimes forced me to think about giving up.

It was late and every body was wasted or already go home, Ohm and i were talking in the far corner of that restaurant. Phun was still chatting with his pals, he sure has the stamina as a hardworker.

"How are you Noh?" Ohm asked me casually. "That bastard Phun always reject my call for you, he said you were concentrating on your study man. Huhhh..so boring!!" I laughed.

"Totally. He tutored me 24/7!!! I thought i was gonna collapsed!" I grumbled. That was the truth, he imprisoned me in his house and never lets me out.

"You look different Noh. Sorry..You look cuter now, hahahaha.." I hit him big time. "Say that again and i'll kick you to the moon."

"You have to be careful. I said the truth, dude. Just watch yourself and don't go out alone." I don't understand what he meant. I'm still the same thuggish Noh Napat, i never change.

"I'm your buddy, Noh. Whoever you'll become it won't affect me. But for another, you maybe a sizzling hot commodity. Do you understand?"

I blinked several times trying to absorb his words. He meant everything he said.

"Then what do you suggest me do?" I replied weakly. I really don't know what to do.

"Maybe you could ask Phun to give you a body guard, or maybe you might as well become an actor. That way maybe you'll be more protected. Don't just trust others, Noh. Saying no isn't really your department."

I sighed. I'll think about it. The idea of getting a bodyguards really sound ridiculous for me. Why does a fully grown man needed one? But considering my current condition..

"I don't know, Ohm. I'm not a woman and all..hey, Mick is way cuter than me, why don't you get a bodyguard for him?" I chuckled. I enjoyed teasing him the way he like teasing me.

"Don't change the subject. I'm being serious here." He said in a low tone, something he does when he really mean it.

I nudges his shoulder. "Khub, Mr. Bodyguard khub. I'll consider it."
Phun and i went home after midnight that night. We took a shower and have a nice conversation before bed. "Phun, do you think i've changed? I mean physically."

He smiled at me and carressed my cheek with his smooth hands. His eyes are looking at me gently. "Why? someone says something?"

I fell silent and bit my lips. "People..some of them, are.." Truthfully i don't know what to say. To be able to admit it, it's just not me. I don't want to change. For better or worse.

"You are who you are, Noh. You just growing up. We were teenager when we were in high school, but now we're a fully grown adults. You are always beautiful, you just didn't realize that."

He close our distance, put my head in his chest like the way he liked it, and kiss my head. Beside making love, cuddling was one of our favorite time.

"Phun, be a good boy when you're away from me, ok? you can't even cook an eggs for God's sake."

He laughed. "Worry about me cheating on you? I'm the one who should say that."

My heart tightened. I've already am, Phun. I wrapped my arms tighter around him. His warmth seeped through my skin and comforted me.

"I think i'm gonna need a lot of comforter to replace you Phun."

"My Noh...you make me wanna stay here forever." He kissed me again, this time longer .

My hand wandered to his now six packed abs and toned chest muscle, and kissed it. "Then stay, Phun.." I choked on my voice. I knew he can't. He has a future he has to pursue.

He exhaled a deep breath. "I have to find a way for us to get children, Noh. They have this technology to get men pregnant."

I hit his jaw, succesfully made him wince in pain. Serve you right.

"Fuck you Phun."

He chuckled. "But i was being serious Noh. I know a scientist who could guarantee the process since he can get his boyfriend pregnant with his child. And i wanted to have the money to do it, since it's really expensive and discreet. So I have to study, settle down in his neighbourhood, get to know him, and do everything needed to prepare everything. Do you understand, bae?"

I blushed hard on his words. He was being serious about that. "Stop hoping for something you can't achieve Phun. It's enough for me to have you, i won't dream of something more.." I nuzzled my head into his chest.

"We'll see, love. We'll see."

We drifted off to wonderland, when i dreamed about Phun and i craddled twin babies in our embrace. It was so serene, the four of us smiled heavenly. Deep inside i know that it was a dream, but i wanted to believe it was true. I really wanted...i wish...

😅 ok this gotten out of hand 5555..well if you still can keep up to my lunacy then please proceed, but if you do just think of this as another nightmare 55555...

A (more) Chaotic Life of an ex Blue Short GuyWhere stories live. Discover now