Chapter 54

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Peter's point of view:
I look around . No one is following me. So , I go towards the ex initiate dormitory. Where (Y/N) will be.

As I walk,I look around constantly. I need to make sure the enemy doesn't know I'm here.

Four is with his mother. He knows I'm here. But I have learned that he is not the enemy.

I reach the dormitory. Everyone is out to eat food. But I know (Y/N) just took a shower and wants to relax.

At least ,that's what I think.

As I try to open the door , the door suddenly opens and hits me in the nose. Not too hard fortunately.

But still pretty hard.
(Y/N)'s point of view:
I open the door to go to lunch .

I had just returned from a shower. I did it quickly and did my relaxation which consisted of lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

I hear a grunt and I frown. No one is supposed to be here at this time.

Then I remember. Peter .

I look at the man holding his nose. He has dark hair and then he looks up.

"Surprise!" He says ,sounding unenthusiastic.

I put my hand on my mouth ,partially because of shock and partially to hide my laughter.

Because it Is a funny scene.

"I am so so so SO sorry" I say suppressing my laugh.

"Well,you can show it by not laughing" he says ,but he has removed his hand and is smiling too.

"Let me see your nose,come in" I say and gesture towards the dormitory.

I walk in and after a while he follows.

I sit on my bed and he sits beside me.

I touch his nose and he winces. I mutter an apology and move it a bit. It seems fine.

"Well,it's not broken. All you need is some ice " I say.

"Do you have any here?" He asks.

"Nope , it's not that urgent,it'll just numb the pain and prevent it from swelling " I say .

He nods his head.

"Sorry again" I say.

He rolls his eyes.

We stay silent for a while before I speak.

"How are you?" I say cautiously.

I'm talking about his father and he knows it.

"My mom and I haven't talked that much,it's difficult to do that when the new government is still uneasy " he says.

He takes a deep breath.

"But I believe we're okay,not good,not great,just okay" he says looking into my eyes.

I nod my head,understanding.

"What about you ? What happened to your parents?" He asks.

It's my turn to take a deep breath.

" I don't know anything about them or where they are currently,but Jack Kang said that they helped ,so I believe they should be fine? I don't know" I say,a bit confused.

"You will and they are. Don't worry" he says as he puts his hand on top of mine .

I smile at him tiredly and he smiles back with just as much tiredness.

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